Even After The End Of A Rainbow? You Have To Take A Break For Some Solitude, Some Writing, and Some TLC…THEN? An Inspiring Message By Author, Tony Roberts.

Even though I am blessed to be working from home for my business, many are having to be forced to do so due to this pandemic of COVID-19 …And being isolated as we are is not a normal way to live life. Look, I get that, but, if staying at home means that it could help save lives?  I would choose LIFE over making a BUCK. (Of course, just my own opinion)…

Today everyone is talking about “DO WE OPEN”? or DO WE STAY CLOSED?

The news media outlets are putting a spin on just about every piece of information about this pandemic when it comes out and I don’t know about you, but I am so tired of it. I see how it makes everyone on edge, moody, and I need a break from it all.

“Even After The End Of A Rainbow? You Have To Take A Break”


I write this because I am ready to take some time off.  Yes, “The Rainbow” is how I feel  being blessed to work from home and love doing what I do to help other authors, but after book marketing, promoting and consulting for many from October 2013 to now with no time off?  The time seems right to do so.

We already don’t watch much news or TV as it just raises my anxiety over this pandemic and since my work is done through some media, social media, and the internet, I see all the articles and heartbreaking stories of families losing loved ones from this virus. Then you have those who are screaming that they are not getting the financial help from the government, so businesses want to open and seem to not CARE that it could make this virus spread even more?

YUP, this Cat is ready for a Mental, Emotional, Well-Being Break!


I hope to back by late July or August 2020 and I’ll have some fresh and exciting things to come back and share with all my friends, authors, writers, and visitors! Like a name change that I will share as I’ll be adding more services but backing off on the actual promoting side of things.

“Lyon Literary Consulting Services” can help authors from the time your manuscript has the last word written in it through publishing and beyond! So make sure you stop by often as I will be sharing my author friends and a few updates till then!

I am happy to share my dear friend and fellow author, Tony Roberts who has a post up that shares what this cat has been feeling about journaling and getting back to writing!

I know you will enjoy it and be uplifted through Tony’s words and inspired! … xoxox

(Stop by and read other amazing posts written by Tony on “Delight in Disorder”…}


A Burning Fire; A Wisp of Smoke


Writing, then, was a substitute for myself: if you don’t love me, love my writing & love me for my writing. It is also much more: a way of ordering and reordering the chaos of experience. ― Sylvia PlathThe Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath


I keep a daily journal of happenings in my life. Some of these things emerge in my public writing. Literary quotes. Character sketches. Story outlines. You will also find less assuming material in my journals. Financial profiles. Schedules. Contact information. To call these daily journals is generous at best. Sometimes weeks go by without a single entry. Then I’ll go on a binge and nearly fill a book in a week.

If my journal could speak in those gaps, it would cry out in anguish, wail in sorrow, moan in despair. But the pages are blank. Like my mind. Unborn words. Aborted sentences. Silent stories. Flannery O’Connor once said,

I write to discover what I know.

When I don’t write, I can’t think. This is one reason I’ve found such delight in chatting. I write much better than I talk. It’s not that I can be more impressive, but more authentic. There is a direct vein from my fingers to my heart that pumps life into my words which represent me better than what comes out of my mouth.

I have never been one to keep a private diary. On the contrary, I am eager to be read, for people to like what I write, to be liked for what I write. I want people to find meaning in the way I string words together, knit sentence after sentence, stitch a story quilt that is not only beautiful, but will keep them warm in an often bitter cold world.


A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke.  ― Vincent van Gogh.

Writing is a blessing and a curse. I am blessed to work alone, on my own schedule. And sometimes I am cursed with loneliness. As I write, I stare at the blank screen, my fingers hovering over the keyboard, searching for something inspired to say. At times the words flow.  But not tonight. Tonight they are buried in a forest of wispy metaphors and burned-out analogies.

van Gogh’s analogy about the fire burning within works for me at least two levels. The fire is both the passion to create and the dangerous drive to destroy. Creativity sparks my lit desire to make sense of a nonsensical world. Even when no one finds warmth in its flames. Even if it is only viewed as a vaporous puff.

On another level, the fire is self-destructive. Moving with no clear path, ravishing my mind, slashing through my relationships, burning out my desire. No one stops to absorb my heat, contain my flames. They see little else than a faint, indistinct cloud.

It is a celebrated fact that van Gogh sold only one painting in his lifetime. Some see this as a testament to futility. Maybe he should have given up and become a house painter to better earn his keep. Some say this points to society’s failure to recognize genius. It is a tragic shame we only acknowledge an artist’s worth after his or her untimely death.

I instead choose to look at it from the perspective of Vincent’s patron, his brother Theo. Theo van Gogh was an art dealer who absolutely adored his older brother. Not only did he make it financially possible for Vincent to pursue the art of painting with his whole heart, Theo was also generous with his praise and encouragement for his brother to see to his health.

Vincent wrote many letters to Theo (see The Letters of Vincent van Gogh) expressing his views on art, nature, God, friendship. This work is a thick brush stroke of simple beauty, such as this line Vincent directed solely at Theo,


… money can be repaid, but not kindness such as yours.

Success such as van Gogh’s is not measured in receiving popular acclaim, but in the loving appreciation of one person. This makes all the difference in the world. It makes all the difference for the world.


Author – Writer SpotLight on Tony Roberts of “Delight in Disorder ...


“I  first sensed a calling to be a writer at the age of nine when I composed my first poem, “Ode to My Pet Rock.”

I was born and raised in the Hoosier heartland just south of Indianapolis. I grew up worshiping high school basketball and once had the honor of playing in a televised “game of the week.”

I went to Hanover College (alma mater of both Mike Pence and Woody Harrelson – go figure). After many detours into sex, drugs, and more folk rock than roll, I wound up at seminary and became a pastor. It was then that symptoms of depression and mania culminated in a psychotic episode that became pivotal in my life, for better and for worse.

After graduating from Hanover, I obtained an Master of Divinity degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. While there, I did ministry assignments at a state hospital for persons with developmental disabilities, as well as at a women’s prison, and a inner-city hospital.

I served two decades as a solo pastor. I then shifted to writing, speaking, and leading small groups. In March of 2014, I published my spiritual memoir, Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission. Having served in pastoral ministry and gone mad, it’s now my mission to bridge the gap between faith communities and the mental health world.

I now live in Columbus, Indiana, with supportive family and faithful friends who keep me honest and encourage me to be who God created me to be. My greatest earthly delights are my four children and two grandchildren, with one more on the way. “The soul is healed by being with children.” (Fyodor Dostoyevsky) Book is available on Amazon …


Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission: Tony E. Roberts ...



‘Share your Summer & Fall On The Patio With Rusty Blackwood’ as She Has an Ongoing Literary Series Happening ~ Just for Avid Readers…


“Get On The Patio With Your Reading Friends and Join Author, Rusty Blackwood on her patio as she shares all things Literary!”




Join eclectic author Rusty Blackwood, known primarily for her romantic fiction dramas that will leave you breathless, in her first impromptu video taking part on her patio.  This is the first in a series of impersonal, ongoing visits with the Canadian author, and she invites you to take part through comments on the video, or through her official website: https://www.rusty-blackwood.com

You may also subscribe to her Youtube Page here watch the first to watch the videos of “Get On The Patio With Rusty Blackwood!” She shares her poetry, writing process of her romance novels, more about her life and pretty much all things “Literary.”


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Now up are videos One thru Eleven of her Patio Series …So grab a fresh cup of coffee in the morning and sit on the patio to watch her presentations or even the evening with a cold glass of wine and relax awhile with Rusty …


Get On the Patio with Rusty Blackwood – Video 3 
Get On the Patio with Rusty Blackwood – Video 2
Got On the Patio with Rusty Blackwood – Video 1








How Do Authors Handle Publicity In a Spiritual Way and Not Sound Like Bragging? Tony Gives Us a Sample.

Revealing Voices


Sharing Some Delight in Disorder

Since my book was published, I’ve not done much to get the word out. As a result, I haven’t sold many copies. People who have read it tell me what a difference it has made in their lives, but I have not followed up on this and reached out to others.


“I have a hard time walking the fine line between bragging about myself and celebrating what God is doing in my life.”


Lately, I have come to accept the importance of the mission God has called me to carry out. There are so many people impacted by mental illness who are in desperate need of saving faith. As the body of Christ, it’s our delightful duty to show compassion for hurting souls.

The emotional anguish caused by brain diseases like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression, is as real and agonizing as any bodily pain caused by a physical illness. I know this. First hand. I also know the grace of God that provides a measure of healing in this life and the hope of healing in the next.


“It’s time to take my bushel off God’s light in me, even if I reveal the flaws I so want to hide.”

So this weekend, I posted this message on Facebook:

For almost twenty years, I served as a pastor with bipolar disorder. I have journeyed with this illness from manic (even psychotic) peaks to dark valleys of despair. At both extremes, I have flirted with death—coming very close to ending my life and doing great damage to those around me. .

Countless times, when I have been driven to the edge of a cliff, God has rescued me and set me on level ground. Why would God do this? Because God delights in me even in disorder. Delight is first an expression of God’s love for us. Since God delights in us, we have a “delightful duty” to share in God’s joy.

The media often portray the terrible extremes where untreated mental illness leads to horrific homicide or shameful suicide. What is missing is a compassionate portrayal of all the rest of us who struggle to survive and be faithful. Delight in Disorder reveals the beautiful grace of God that flows into grateful living if you have a mental illness and greater understanding if you want to love another who does.


60 people have shared the message. I’ve sold more books in 24 hours than Amazon has sold for me in 48 months.


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“But the most powerful response was from one who didn’t buy a book or share the post. It was a desperate plea.”



Me:   D., thank you for reaching out and being open about you suicidal thoughts. It’s important that you get help. Please message me.
D:   I am a daily survivor I do it for my kids I’ve tried suicide and failed. My sister has committed suicide it runs in my family my mother attempted when I was a kid
Me:  D., do you have a plan to kill yourself?  When you say you have suicidal thoughts, Denny, what do you mean? I’m praying for you, brother.
D:  No. I’ve planned but never went thru with is. I got two biological and one step son. I work daily sometimes I feel like I’m better off dead but my kids bring me back from reality
Me:  Well, I’m very glad you’ve found a reason to live. Your kids love and need you, for sure.
D:  I’m reminded every day I’m needed if not for anyone else then my two biological kids.
Me:  Amen to that!
D: Thanks man I need someone to talk to sometime. Thanks for even taking the time out to talk with me
Me: Message me anytime, D.. I can’t promise I will always be available. But when I am, I’ll respond.
D:  Ty really means a lot. I deal with it everyday. So I’m sure if I need someone to talk to I’ll reach out. No-one in my life understands. So it’s hard when no one understand and it makes me feel a lot different
Me:  I get that, brother.


Maybe you have a D. in your life. Maybe you are D. If so, get professional psychiatric and therapeutic help. And, consider Delight in Disorder to find spiritual support you will need to face difficult days ahead.


Get an autographed copy of Delight in Disorder for just $12.


Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission


I highly recommend Delight In Disorder. Tony has a way of humanizing mental illness and explaining things in a profound, yet simple way that resonates with his readers. Whether you have a diagnosed mental health disorder, some other kind of disability, know someone who does, or simply struggle with faith and believing that God delights in you, this book is for you. ~ Veronica J.


Please make sure you stop and visit Author, Tony Roberts as he has so much help and information on his blog “Sharing Delight In Disorder” about life, living with Mental health, being an author and more as well as checking out his Podcast Called: Revealing Voices on iTunes! 


News & Experts Is Back With Some New Tips Of How A Media Pitch Is Transformed to Help Authors and Branding…

My dear friend Marsha Friedman is back with News & Experts PR Firm with an exceptional article and inside view of just how a PR Media Pitch Happens! I really think this one will help to all who have wondered if they should use and hire a PR Firm and Why…    ~Catherine Lyon, Author/Writer


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If you’ve ever wondered how a successful publicity effort goes from idea to media pitch to publication, let me give you a little glimpse of the process behind the scenes.

Just recently one of our print campaign managers here at News & Experts . Ashley Pontius announced that she had something big to reveal about one of our long-term clients.  It turns out that, thanks to Ashley’s work, this client was included in a lengthy Wall Street Journal article!

I asked for a little more detail on how this exciting coverage came about and I’m sharing the story with you because I think it’s enlightening for anyone trying to gain the media’s attention.

To begin with, this is a client we have worked with for about five years, and during that time we helped land them in Yahoo News, Reuters, CNN Money and the Washington Times, among other media outlets.

They continue to come back to us, knowing that we can help them get their message out to the larger world. They also understand that publicity isn’t a one-off. You have to keep at it if you want to remain relevant.

This client recently signed on for yet another campaign and Ashley reviewed their material. She noticed that one of the topics they were willing to talk about involved Generation Z, which is the generation born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s. Ashley googled Gen Z and found that there seemed to be some interest in how Gen Z fits into the workforce, a topic that would tie into both the client’s message and one of its target audiences.

So she crafted a short pitch for print journalists, promoting our client as a source who could speak on a particular angle related to this topic. Nothing happened at first, but a couple of weeks later an email appeared in Ashley’s inbox. A Wall Street Journal reporter wrote that the idea fit perfectly into something the reporter planned to develop into a larger, in-depth piece.

Could Ashley set up an interview for her? She sure could!


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If you break down what happened in this situation, you’ll find that it holds lessons for you:

  • Hone your message. When you reach out to the media, it’s always best if you can give them guidance on just how your expertise could fit into a particular angle for an article. Remember, in this case, the angle involved how Gen Z fits into the workforce. If you’re a financial professional, you might offer four money-saving tips for easing retirement anxieties. If you’re a chef, you could suggest unusual dishes for the upcoming holidays. While suggesting a specific angle, it doesn’t hurt also to mention that you can speak on other issues related to the topic as well.
  • Keep up with what’s trending. Don’t hesitate to make use of the internet to learn what the media has written about in the past related to your topic. You’ll also want to keep track of the daily headlines to see if anything is being reported right now that would match your message. Are you an orthopedic surgeon who could comment on a new study about the most common sports injuries? Are you a small business owner with tips about staying afloat when the economy takes a turn for the worse?
  • Reach out to the media. Even if you’ve had contact with reporters or talk show hosts before, you shouldn’t sit around waiting for them to reach out to you. You don’t want to become a pest, but you do want to remind them – or let them know for the first time – that you’re available for an interview whenever something in your area of expertise pops up.
  • Respond promptly. Journalists are often on tight deadlines, so if you can’t provide them what they need quickly, they’ll find someone else who can.

Finally, what happened with our client is a marvelous example of why it’s important to stay on the publicity playing field and to constantly find ways to match your message with the latest trends in the news.

If you don’t keep current with fresh ideas that you can turn into pitches – and that the media can turn into coverage – then you’ll miss out on all kinds of publicity opportunities. And that would be a shame.

Get the idea?

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~Marsha Friedman

About News and Experts

As an award-winning, top national public relations agency, News and Experts has been delivering highly specialized publicity campaigns for over two decades. Our specialty is creating angles we know the media will want to cover and will obtain quality media exposure for our clients.

Through the years, we have worked with clients spanning a wide array of industries from authors, publishing, health, food, music, software and finance, to politics. News and Experts customize its clients’ PR campaigns to focus on specific objectives and we only work with quality media to ensure the results meet our clients’ needs and expectations.

News and Experts was a pioneer in the field of public relations, offering pay-for-performance PR long before being joined by other agencies. Today, News and Experts represent all its clients on a performance and project basis.


I Hope You Will Join Me. Trump Needs To GO! I’m on Board …

It’s Time For The People To Take Back America. Time To Impeach Donald J. Trump and Send Him Back To The Golf Course Where He Belongs –Not In The White House. I Signed, Will YOU?

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“Donald Trump has brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice, and taken money from foreign governments. We need to impeach this dangerous president.  ~By Tom Steyer and The Folks of Need o Impeach



July 17, 2018

Barack Obama warned of “strongman politics” and leaders who “double down” on lies, a day after President Trump met with Vladimir Putin

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 1:13

Without mentioning President Trump by name, former President Barack Obama delivered a pointed rebuke of “strongman politics” on Tuesday, warning about growing nationalism, xenophobia, and bigotry in the United States and around the world, while offering a full-throated defense of democracy, diversity and the liberal international order.

A day after Mr. Trump met with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Mr. Obama delivered his highest-profile speech since leaving office, at an event in South Africa marking the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth.

Read More »

Donald Trump has obstructed justice over the investigation into Russia’s interference in our 2016 election. He has brought us to the brink of nuclear war through his reckless tweets. He has taken — and continues to take — money from foreign governments for his own personal enrichment.

He is, without a doubt, a clear and present danger to our nation. In December 2017, a panel of constitutional lawyers convened and agreed that there is more than enough evidence to begin the impeachment process. They argued that Congress has an obligation to act now.

Enough is enough. It’s past time for lawmakers to put country first. Our president is unhinged and must be removed from office. But too many members of Congress are afraid to take this necessary measure. They need to hear our voices and see the strength of our movement if we want them to do what’s right.

Will you join me and millions of your fellow Americans and add your name demanding impeachment? Add your name here by visiting this page: Sign The Petition for Need To Impeach Trump.


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Just a few of the reasons WHY he needs to be impeached!! (Courtesy of Founder, Tom Steyer and “Need to Impeach” )


Tom Steyer: Donald Trump has committed “treason”

(SAN FRANCISCO, July 16, 2018)—Need to Impeach Founder Tom Steyer released the following statement following the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin and subsequent press conference in Helsinki today: More

Tom Steyer Statement on the Indictment of 12 Russian Intelligence Agents in the Mueller Investigation

(SAN FRANCISCO, July 13, 2018)—Need to Impeach Founder Tom Steyer released the following statement following the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence agents by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for the cyber attack on the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign, Democratic National Committee, and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: More

Tom Steyer at the California Democratic Party Meeting: “The American people are getting played by the D.C. establishment.”

(OAKLAND, CA, July 14, 2018)—Tom Steyer today called out the Washington, D.C. establishment for “playing” the American public and for failing to respond to Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on our democracy, including his meeting on Monday to befriend Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who masterminded cyberattacks on the 2016 Presidential election. More

ALL 8 offenses are listed here: Impeachable Offenses!


"Daily Show" interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates.


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Image result for copy free images quotes about america was always great obama


If You Feel The Same As Me?

Visit “Need to Impeach” and sign the petition today so your voice can be heard as an American. America was always Great …Until Trump!

~CAT Proud Democrat!

This Weeks Writing Blog Spotlight Goes To “Writer Unboxed” ~Post: Book Promotion Fatigue.

I happen to come across an interesting blog post over on “Writer UnBoxed” as I feel all authors and writers need to read this post. Since I do book promotions and literary consulting as my every day at home business, I could sure relate to this post! And I know many of you will too. As an author myself, I do know how hard it is to get our books into the hands of readers.

It took my first book a good year to catch fire with hours of listing and promoting it everywhere I could find. As we all know it does NOT happen overnight and we have to be diligent as it is why many writers hire me to promote their books and build a readership and I work on the social media side in building their following as well. There is no real recipe or guarantees. WHY?

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Because there are several factors to consider. How well written is the book? What genre is the book? Is it a hard genre to promote? How popular is the author? Well, there are many ways to tackle these questions. But that will have to be another post for another day. But when you have been promoting your books hard? It is OK to take a breather every now and then as this weeks post and blog spotlight indicates. Here is a little of the Guest Post and I hope you will visit “Writer UnBoxed” as that is the MAIN Purpose for Spotlighting them! Lol. 





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Dealing With Book Promotion Fatigue

Writers get tired.

The process of writing, of editing, of writing some more, of editing some more, of searching for representation, of reworking the book yet again, of waiting so long to see your words in print that you forget you even wrote some of them, of publishing in its maddening and bountiful entirety… well, some days, it can feel like too much.

Every stage has its own ups and downs, but personally, I find the promotion stage both the most exciting and the most challenging. Many parts of the publishing process can feel out of your control. Partly that’s because they are. But promotion is different because, unlike other stages, it has the capacity to go on forever. The joy and terror of publishing in the social media age that once you have a book, you literally could be promoting it every minute of every day.

(Note to writers everywhere: do NOT promote your book every minute of every day.)

Right now, my latest book (published under a pseudonym, as regular readers know) has been out in paperback for a few months. Typically, this is when a publisher’s efforts to promote the book taper off and any further promotion is squarely in my hands.

By   Now Read The Rest of The Story “Writer UnBoxed”