Cat Is Now Featured on All-Author! An In-Depth Interview About Being An Author, Writer, Recovery Expert, & A Book Marketing Guru. . .

Catherine Townsend-Lyon is an influential writer known for her gripping memoir, “Addicted To Dimes,” and her contributions to the recovery compilation book “Ten The Hard Way: Real Voices of Recovery.” A dynamic speaker, she shares her story through various platforms, including radio shows, podcasts, and speaking engagements. Catherine currently resides in Glendale/Phoenix, Arizona.

** Interview With Catherine Townsend-Lyon – May 2024 Courtesy of All Author **

Can you share a bit about your early childhood and how your love for storytelling began?

I was born an East Coast baby in New Jersey and lived there until my parents moved us to the West Coast of Southern California. I grew up in Highland/Redlands, CA., at seven. As I grew up, I lived and worked in the banking field. At age twenty-five, I moved to Southern Oregon to live a slower lifestyle. As a teenager, I spent time in my room and liked writing, thinking I was writing poems or song lyrics.

Of course, that was all in my head! LOL.

My childhood was a little rough as I continue to be a survivor of trauma and sexual abuse as a little girl. Writing and journaling were one way for me not to think about what had happened to me that became part of the trauma I felt years later.

You have been featured in various media outlets and publications. What impact does such visibility have on the conversation surrounding addiction?

Yes, I contributed to several addiction/recovery publications through the years after my memoir/book, published in the late fall of 2012. I have been a featured guest on many radio and podcast appearances.
It is a powerful way to start the conversation about recovery from gambling addiction and begin to raise more awareness about this growing disease.

I look at it in this way: ANY addiction is a disease, be it gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc., that is only the “preference” of what we choose to partake. Mine happened to be gambling, and I became addicted to it the more I gambled. Doing so also helps to shatter the stigma around addiction and recovery.

How do you maintain your recovery lifestyle, and what advice do you have for others struggling with addiction?

I have maintained my recovery from addicted gambling for about 17 years now. Doing so comes naturally at this point in my recovery journey. Much of my advocacy work is to support others who are first entering recovery, even as I share my advocacy work and blog about my recovery journey, which means doing something every day to support my recovery.

What advice would I give to those who may have a gambling problem? First, acknowledging that gambling is interfering with your life is a big step forward. Know there is help available for you. You don’t need to suffer in silence because you are not alone when it comes to problem gambling. Second, they need to reach out for help. I advise “The National Council on Problem Gambling: Helpline Home – National Council on Problem Gambling …

They offer a 24/7 Hotline at 1-800-GAMBLER, which can provide you with the necessary information in your area or state to get help. Over the years, I have worked with and written articles for them.

Can you share a bit about your journey with gambling addiction and how it led to your advocacy work?

My journey began when I tried to commit suicide in 2002 because my gambling addiction got that “BAD.” Thankfully, GOD had a higher calling and purpose for my life. After my release from the hospital, my husband arranged a 30-day stay in an addiction/behavioral center. Ironically, it was paid for by the Oregon State-sponsored gambling treatment program.

I also began attending recovery group meetings and loads of therapy. I was blessed to have my husband’s support, which was essential and half the battle of becoming “bet-free.” I began to learn why I was gambling in the first place. Learning the underlying issues and roots of why I was using it to “escape and numb out” the pain and hurt of the sexual abuse and trauma I went through as a little girl.

During the worst of my addiction, I was gambling money I didn’t have and gambled away paychecks and rent money, and the financial chaos was never-ending. I was gambling several times a day or would drive 40 miles to an Indian Casino and spend hours and hours there gambling. It was an insane 10 to 14 years of pure hell and insanity with addicted gambling. My gratitude today now comes from my recovery and living a healthy life.

What inspired you to write “Addicted To Dimes” and “Ten The Hard Way: Real Voices of Recovery”?

Again, I was blessed to have the help of an exceptional editor and friend who took my journaling and writings from seven notebooks and formed them into a manuscript for “Addicted to Dimes.” She helped me walk the fine line of making my memoirs not sound like I was blaming others or things around my addiction.

See, “Addicted to Dimes” is NOT a book on “How to Recover,” it is about times in my past that were not dealt with or processed in a healthy way that added fuel to my addiction. It is about learning the underlying issues to begin to heal as I maintain the early stages of my recovery journey.

What do you hope readers take away from your memoir and your contributions to “Ten The Hard Way”?

Our book “Ten The Hard Way” came later. It is an anthology I worked on with my dear friend and fellow author Kevin Coughlin, and it came years later. We invited several of our friends to share their stories of recovery in hopes that it may inspire those who may have any addiction to reach out for help and HOPE. Each person’s story carries many powerful messages.

You’ve been actively involved in raising awareness about gambling addiction. What are some common misconceptions about this issue that you aim to dispel?

First and foremost is to dispel “Stigma.” Stigma is the number one reason many will not reach out for help from gambling addiction, so many continue to suffer in silence with a gambling problem. Some of the facts, statistics, and misconceptions about problem gambling are staggering. Like, 1 in 5 persons may try suicide from addiction to gambling like I had.

Currently, 2.9% of our population are already problem gamblers, and gambling addiction is now the #1 addiction with the highest suicide rate than any other addiction. It is staggering to me, and I aim to help change this statistic by advocating loud and proud.

What challenges did you face while writing about your experiences, and how did you overcome them?

Writing and journaling for over a year in those notebooks helped me to learn and begin to heal from my past trauma. It was a very emotional journey. I shared an earlier answer that it was different from a traditional manuscript. It took me about a year or so of writing and journaling after a few years into my recovery journey.

Thanks to my dear friend Julie Hall, who transformed it into a book manuscript. We worked together as she edited. Then, my friend and fellow author Steve Laible, who does publishing and owns TKG Publishing, pushed me to publish “Addicted to Dimes” as he believed it would help many who may be suffering in silence with problem gambling.

So he published it on my 50th birthday in 2012. It was a great birthday gift and a legacy of all my advocacy work to leave for others.

As a dynamic speaker, what key messages do you try to convey when sharing your story through various platforms?

My main goals and messages are to share hope with others who may be looking to get help for their gambling problem and share that they are not alone. To not let stigma or what others may say that they have a gambling problem. Even though society sees gambling as “fun and a few hours of entertainment,” there are many who can and do not become addicted to it.

What role do you believe storytelling plays in advocacy work, particularly in the realm of addiction and recovery?

I know sharing one’s story of recovery from gambling addiction, or any other addiction, is a powerful way to reach people. Sharing real and raw recovery and personal experiences is just as important as may be the “medical or clinical” side. It needs to be accepted as a genuine mental, emotional, and medical disease and not just as an addiction.

The habits and negative behaviors we learn and use as survival deep in our addiction need to be changed and replaced with healthy ones. Learn to make better and healthier choices when we enter recovery. So, sharing my real personal experiences and the stories of our journey are ways to shatter the stigma.

Could you discuss some of the resources and support systems you recommend for individuals seeking help for gambling addiction?

Again, I would first recommend others with a gambling problem to visit “The National Council on Problem Gambling” and call the 24/7 Hotline to seek help. Another is Gambler’s Anonymous: U.S. Meetings | Gamblers Anonymous for help and group meetings nationally and internationally. One other is my friends at the “Stop Predatory Gambling” website: Home, a non-profit organization working hard on legislation changes in Washington, DC., on many topics related to problem gambling.

How do you balance the vulnerability of sharing personal experiences with the responsibility of advocating for change and raising awareness?

At this point in my recovery and where I am in my life, I have no vulnerabilities in sharing where I have been with an addicted gambling problem. Part of recovery is knowing “we are not defined by our past” and making peace with it. We learn to take all accountability and ownership of the past.

In doing so, we can move forward in our life journey while being better stewards by helping and caring for others along the way.

What motivates you to continue your advocacy work, even after maintaining your recovery for over 17 years?

What motivates me and is my passion is helping others avoid the cunning and devastating effects of addictive gambling. I look forward to living in the “NOW” and am always excited about the future. However, I will continue to advocate for and mentor those who reach out to me for help and hope. One of the first steps I took when beginning my recovery was coming to terms with the fact that it would be a lifelong process. I am okay with that.

My advocacy work has opened many doors in other areas of my life, including my career and business as a self-employed book marketing consultant.

Another passion from the blessings of my recovery is helping authors learn how to market and promote their new books. I have been doing so for over 11 years and love it! It started when some recovery friends and supporters asked for help marketing their recovery books. I did so, as it came naturally to me. So, I built and began my “at-home business” of Lyon Literary Marketing and Consulting.

How long have you been associated with AllAuthor?

I was lucky to learn about All Author in 2018 and become a pro member. I was so impressed with all the tools and the pricing for becoming a Pro Author that I began sharing my incredible experiences using your services. Your services do help teach authors how to promote their new books.

How has your experience been?

Being a pro member gives you access to all the exceptional services and helps you save money on outsourcing those tasks elsewhere. The utility tools, automated tweets, and book teaser banners are just a few of the many features that can help authors streamline their work and promote their books effectively. I now incorporate your services as a recommended must-have for the authors I work with!


(Photos: Speaking at The State Capitol of Arizona for a Recover Out Loud Event in April 2019, 2021 Podcast Interview on Knockin’ Doorz Down!)

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Our Spooky Special Halloween Interview and Author News With Award-Winning Novelist Pavane Ravel. “The Other Shoes of Larry Martin” Series.

An Interview With Novelist and New Award-Winning Author ~ Pavane Ravel


“A passionate writer, Pavane Ravel has always wanted to be a full-time writer. She grew up in a conservative Catholic home. She is the author and writer of her introductory novel series “The Other Shoes of Larry Martin.” She lives in Manhattan and spends time concentrating on both family and her writing.”

****Per The PenCraft Awards****
2023 PenCraft Book Award Runner-Up Winner

Fiction – RealisticThe Other Shoes of Larry Martin: Book Two: On Becoming Laurie Roberts (Larry Martin Novel Series) BY Pavane Ravel
Pavane Ravel Award-Winning Novelist


Where have you spent most of your childhood?

Most of my childhood was spent growing up in Miami. Back then, it wasn’t crowded, and I loved it. My memories are such that while our house had no central air, I don’t remember it being hot. But that was likely because I was always swimming in the water somewhere – pool or beach.

Why do you think there is such power in words and literature? When did you first discover this power?

From an early age, once I learned how to read, books affected me. Stories had the power to transport me to places I had never been and teach me things from many perspectives. History and nonfiction were all part of my education, but fiction appealed to my imagination. I loved the power of fiction for this reason. There were no boundaries in this literature … each story was unique, and they were fuel for my own active thoughts.

Have you always been a big reader?

Yes. As a young person, I read nearly everything I could get my hands on. There was no internet, so it was ALL about books. And music.

I felt like a changeling in my family. My parents were religious, and they wanted me to be like them, the polar opposite of me. They were completely devoid of any imagination. But I couldn’t be like them. They were horrified I wanted to be a writer and a composer. They were sick of me being a bookworm and wanted me to be more social in the church. I struggled with this.

My peers couldn’t talk literature with me; they had read nothing of what I had read. It was difficult for me to find a social common ground because I had no interest in what interested them … mainly church, cosmetics, boys, and gossip.

Looking back, I can see how I could have been considered aloof and headstrong. But I was living in my own world, and I was content with that. At the age of 13, two things changed for me: 1) I began to write my first fiction novel, and 2) I was finally allowed to travel abroad on my own. My parents were oddly broad-minded about this. But for me, both opened massive new worlds, and I was thrilled to dive into them.

What is your favorite way to escape from the present and relax (besides reading or writing)?

I have many loves. My family and I are extremely close. My wonderful husband and I have two daughters, both successful and brilliant creatives. I enjoy hanging out with them, often grilling some great dinner by the pool. I also enjoy composing. I call it movie soundtrack music. If I ever get Larry Martin’s theme properly recorded, I will add it to my website.

In the past, I have also enjoyed working with some of the Atlanta Chamber Choir and the Atlanta Symphony in a studio recording of a classical thirteen-movement tone poem, The Bride of Kaslin Burke. A tone poem is a symphonic work that tells a story.

During this time of composing and recording, I was writing my second novel, Hepplewhite. I came close to publishing when I was knocked over by the idea of The Other Shoes of Larry Martin.

I don’t worry that I’ve done nothing with either Burke or Hepplewhite. Both projects are finished and can be dusted off when I am ready for them.

In sum, music and family are my favorite ways to relax and escape from the present.

What inspired the story of “The Other Shoes of Larry Martin” series?

Larry began with a kernel of an idea: A homeless guy finds happiness for a night by creating a small structure in which he can read and eat while staying dry and warm from the rain storming outside.

I thought it would be a quick and easy short story to write. I was wrong.

Once I began writing, the story grew to immense proportions. The Other Shoes of Larry Martin is a fictional contemporary political drama. It has become a seven-book saga of one long story.

While the story is character-driven by Larry, it encompasses current progressive anti-Trump politics and social nuances covering men’s tears, toxic masculinity, loneliness and insecurity, bullying, the building of strong platonic relationships of men, white supremacy, and more. None of this is instructional. These nuances are simply part of the story. Readers, themselves, will decide what they think on these issues.

In Book One, Revelation of Lies, Larry begins as a despicable person working for an extreme alt-right website as a journalist. His columns denigrate the poor and the homeless. When he becomes homeless himself, he realizes that everything he believes is a lie. He works to change. He opens his mind and becomes metaphysical in his higher learning. After he embraces kindness as a power and after he survives his homeless ordeal, what happens to him next is extraordinary.

I have only published Books One and recently Book Two. I have decided to finish the series before I publish more. I am in the middle of Book 6 now. After I finish Book 7, I can fire my publishing salvos.

For me, this is just a huge project. But I have learned that 1) trying to publish while 3)) working with my editor on other books and 3) still trying to write to push the story forward … is all too much for me.

However, Books One and Two are now available to start this series. It can be purchased through my website, (which I prefer), or on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and anywhere else, like Target or Walmart. Larry has a 5-star editorial review from Reader’s Favorite for Book 2 and many 5-star Amazon reviews for both.

In what ways did you try to lift this book up and make it different from other books of its genre?

You’d think this would be easy, right? Except it’s not. I knew I was writing for and leaning toward progressives, liberals, independents, and democrats … but when my editor and I began researching comparable books, there were none.

There are simply no progressive heroes in current literature. Progressive heroes like Captain America or Superman don’t count.

When my editor told me that he’d never read anything like Larry Martin, I understood. When a Barnes & Noble reviewer wrote, “I read a lot, but I have never read a story like Larry Martin,” I understood. When an Amazon review wrote, “Although fictitious, Pavane develops a character that symbolizes hope for humanity,” I was blown away.

While I was writing Book One, I lived in fear because I didn’t know what I was doing. Somewhere along the line, I chucked the fear and let Larry show me who he was and what he wanted to do. That’s all I did to lift this book up and be what it was. It was all I could do. And now, I let my reviews speak for themselves.

As a writer, how do you come up with and commit to ideas? How do you get in touch with your characters?

When writing, I watch a literal movie in my mind. I transcribe as I watch. I do not try to control my characters. I have learned to let them live their lives and direct me. By doing this, they show me things I never would have thought of. They constantly surprise me. So, it’s not so much that I come up with and commit to ideas. It’s more that I am shown what those ideas are … and this keeps me firmly in touch with my characters on a visceral level. They are real to me. I feel them and hear them. But as an author, I don’t think I am unique in this way.

What has been the most memorable experience of being an author?

Being an author is all I’ve ever wanted to do. I am gratified that I have finally arrived at the right time in life to fulfill my lifelong dream.

But I had no idea how difficult it would be.

As far as my Larry Martin novels go, they have gotten too big for me. I am not sure I am qualified to write them. My editor scoffs, saying I say that about every book. But I don’t know. Right now, I feel out of my league. These last two books will be the hardest thing I’ve ever written, especially the finale of Book Seven.

What’s most memorable for me about being an author is tamping down fear and dread. I don’t suppose I will ever get cocky about my writing. Still. It’s what I want to do, so I will go on with determination and confidence. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling this way.

What does your life as a writer look like?

I am lucky. I have the support of my family. They are my biggest fans.

As for my life, I tend to rise at about 5:00 in the morning when my eyes open. I make coffee and watch the sun come up while sitting on my deck, thinking about the current scene I am writing. I often watch the movie in my mind.

When I am not in Manhattan, I go to my cottage in the North Georgia foothills. There, I have a big sunroom. This is my home office. It overlooks a forest. And this is where I do most of my writing.

My life is full of family and friends who love me. Sometimes, they struggle with my writing process because when I am writing, I shut everyone out so I can make serious progress. They respect and understand this, but they don’t necessarily like it.

While I try to balance everyone and everything, I do not always succeed. In sum, my life as a writer is a constant balancing act between my responsibilities and doing what I need to do to keep my family happy.

Are novels dying? If a current college student dreams of being a writer one day, should they focus more on visual media like TV, movies, web videos, etc., because no one will read novels in the future?

This is a difficult one because technology is always changing. Social media is always expanding. The Metaverse is right around the corner, and its impact on reality will be interesting, if not questionable.

I want to believe that novels will always be relevant. If not, how do we tell our stories? How does anyone produce a movie fiction drama or screenplay on YouTube without a written, edited story?

Yes, writers should be savvy to current media. However, nothing is producible without a story. That story must be written. So, I am going to say that novels are here to stay for now, even if on tablets, phones, or computers. Regardless of how one reads a book, it is still a book.

What are some of the most profound “shower thoughts” you’ve had?

A shower can be a personal time of water, soap, and cleansing. For me, like many, I sometimes contemplate my problems here. I rarely write. Mostly, I hear the current music I’m composing. Sometimes, I can even figure out a section that has me stymied. I don’t know if any of this is profound. To me, it’s just me being me.

How do you maintain that equilibrium between writing what you want and what your readers want?

I don’t. I am somewhat new in my career. When I wrote my first novel, I wrote it for myself and put it in a drawer. It will never be published. But this book helped me to learn what it took to write a novel.

When I wrote my second book, Hepplewhite, I knew it was for young adults and, thus, for everyone. I do intend to publish this novel one day. But the Larry Martin series was a whole new experience. I realized it was controversial. I had a story to tell, and I couldn’t worry about readers (what they might think or want.) If I had, I would have felt too intimidated to continue. I simply decided whether readers would like it or not. I am well aware there is no pleasing everyone.

Storytelling is just that. It’s very different than, let’s say, marketing or writing for a particular industry demographic targeting a specific readership. Perhaps some novel writers do target a specific readership. A book on writing, for example, would target new writers. That makes sense.

But, for me, I just have stories to tell. There is no equilibrium between what I want to write and what my readers want. At least not yet … and maybe never. I don’t know. But I do know that I like having a writing plan for the future. . . .

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Our Author Deb Morgan Is a “Featured In-depth Interview” Writer Now On All Author (dot) Com, Where Readers, Writers, & Authors Meet…

Name: Debra Morgan
Profession: Writer, Author, Advocate, Speaker
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs, General Nonfiction
Country: United States


Debra Morgan is an extraordinary American author, advocate, and influential non-fiction writer whose books offer real-life journeys through the realms of Addiction, Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain, and Mental health. Deb’s debut book, “Graceful Agony,” reflects her passion for helping others by providing support and understanding through their struggles. Residing in Chandler, Arizona, she stands as a beacon of hope and support for those seeking solace and strength in their own battles.


Q. What is one lesser-known fact about your childhood?

I started drinking at 12 years of age. I had much young abuse, so my party days started before there was a party.

Q. Moving back to Arizona to be closer to your grown children and grandchildren shows the importance of family to you. How has their support and presence in your life contributed to your healing and growth?

It can be hard to measure the support from your children, they do not like to see me getting older, and they have such a busy life that I recognize it instead of expecting it anymore. My Grandchildren are my heart.
I spend weekends with them in order of age as much as I can. I have six, still young enough, but they all love being with me, which makes my heart feel good. I feel better being around them.

Q. As a survivor and warrior, how do you define resilience, and how has it played a role in your own life?

I guess that I don’t see myself as a warrior as much as I do others, even though people say that I am; I had to learn to be a survivor and warrior at an incredibly early age. It seems to have grown in my soul. It has helped me never to stop and always to do what I can to help others with this disease. I forget until I talk with someone who has this that many of us did not grow up with abuse or haven’t been an addict. These are things that help me. We must reach deep inside to find it sometimes.

Q. How has your advocacy work and raising awareness about addiction and fibromyalgia influenced your writing?

It has helped me to see into other sufferers’ lives and what they have to live with. Listening to others is the best way to learn how I can relate to others in my writing.


>>> Graceful Agony: An Intimate Memoir of Living with Fibro & Chronic Fatigue <<<

Q. Your new book, “Graceful Agony,” is about real-life journeys through addiction, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and mental health. Could you tell us more about the inspiration behind this book and what readers can expect to find in it?

This is my first book on this portion of my life. I will be writing about my Childhood through addiction and how having a mental health component exacerbated everything in my life. Looking at it now, my story shows me what one can really get through and still have a happy, secure life.

Q. You mentioned that your books are based on your personal experiences. How did your own journey through addiction, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and mental health challenges shape your writing?

I just have written honestly; I do not hold much back. My writing is shaped by how I was, whether good or bad; horrifying, my writing is who I am from what I have gone through.

Q. What is the main message or takeaway you hope readers will gain from your books?

I wrote this book first because I wanted to help young and old women with what they are going through by telling them my story. I hope that Graceful Agony has done that and will continue to. I also wrote it with references that I learned in my journey that I wish someone would have imparted to me.

Q. Writing about personal and challenging experiences can be emotionally demanding. How do you cope with the emotional aspects of sharing your story?

I watch something on TV that I can really get lost in, even if I have watched it for the 900th time. I have to get out of my head when I finish writing for that particular period; I am exhausted. It is hard to remember sometimes what you will run to as you write about it. My life memories can get pretty dark at times.

Q. You’ve been featured as a guest on podcasts and radio shows to raise awareness about addiction and share your recovery journey. How has this advocacy work impacted you personally, and what message do you aim to convey to the audience?

I love being on either of those. I can just tell my story or answer their questions, which flows easily.
I try to let everyone know that writer or not, they have a story, and I surely never thought I would write a book, so give it a try or get it out by writing stories to yourself that you may never share but when you read it in 2 days’ time, you will see that you sound different than you did when you wrote it. That is why I kept going.

Q. Maintaining sobriety since 1993 is an incredible accomplishment. Can you share some of the strategies or support systems that have helped you stay on this path of recovery?

I used every tool that rehab gave me, was shattered and put back together again, and still remember it is one day at a time, and this too shall pass. The days turned to months and months to years, but I never wanted to be that person again.

Q. Could you discuss the importance of support and community for individuals facing fibromyalgia and chronic pain? How have you found support in your own journey?

The medical community could do much more than they have, which is very little. Just like recovery, people with chronic illness and pain should have places to go to talk about what they go through. With very few online groups and because it is not face-to-face, we have to be very careful about how the group works. There are not really any in-person groups; there is not a place that acts as a place that could help set up meetings for people in areas to meet as AA or other programs do.

Q. You mentioned your passion for reading, painting, and traveling. How do these activities contribute to your overall well-being and recovery?

I have to have something to plan on and look forward to, even if it is something easy that others might do every day that I may not be able to do most of the time.

Q. What advice would you give to someone who is currently facing their own challenges with addiction, chronic pain, or mental health issues?

If you have an addiction, find a meeting for whatever your addiction is in person or online. My Fibro Team is where I go, and it is fantastic, and the people are great. I go there for my Fibro and Chronic Fatigue, and they have people who have all kinds of painful diseases.
For Mental Health, call your insurance or go to NAMI, which is the place for mental health care, and they have tons of information. Also, there are many mental health Psychologists who have groups and even rehabs to figure out what you need and can recommend a psychiatrist.

Q. How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

I suggest putting out a hand-in-hand book with Graceful on how to deal with the Guilt and Shame of having a chronic pain disease. I actually have that one almost put together. I have Trapped my Life’s story, and not sure from there.

Lastly, What do you think of All Author, and would you recommend it to your other author friends?

Your Website Here at “All Author” has helpful information and tools for new authors. I am delighted with the support I have gotten being listed on your site! And you can reach social media and help get a book out in the reader’s community; it is why I always recommend it on all of my social media platforms. The value of being a Pro Member as an author also will save writers money while teaching them how to begin marketing and promoting their new books!


Readers can connect with Deb Morgan on
her social media and visit her website

Meet Adriana Gavazzoni A Multi-Award-Winning International Fiction Romance Writer From Brazil & Her Two Award-Winning Novel Series…

Welcome Readers and Friends to Cat’s Reading Den Today. . .

I would like you to meet our newest writer and author who seems to be on “literary fire” right now with the multi-award wins she is stacking up and has been winning this year and last. We had worked together for several years when her first series of Hidden Motives books began to release, and we both enjoyed working together. Then, she began her newest novel series, so, I am honored and excited to have Adriana back!

So, please meet this beautiful person inside and out, Ms. Adriana Gavazzoni. Here is all you should know about her and her five books within two exceptional novel series titled “Where The Road Goes” and her first series of “Hidden Motives.”

Adriana is a writer of romantic thrillers, mystery, gripping suspense, and a little historical romance laced with intrigue, spying, and espionage.  She is one of the most talented writers I know who incorporates beautiful strong women as main and lead characters in her novels.

So, learn more about her and her novels, shall we …


Adriana Gavazzoni is a Brazillian Multi-Award-Winning Novelist of five published literary works within two novel series titled, ‘Hidden Motives’ and ‘Where The Road Goes.

She has become a critically acclaimed popular steamy romance fiction writer of light erotic with cross-genres of steamy murder mystery suspense, historical romantic thrillers, coming-of-age, and women’s gripping crime fiction. Adriana’s break-out debut of “Behind The Door” book one of the “Hidden Motives” series firmly placed her on the literary map nationally and internationally. All her novels are available on Amazon Books, Amazon Kindle, and Kindles available within Kindle Unlimited.

All her novels are featured on online literary book sites, Book Stores, and literary magazines.

Born and raised in Brazil, she is of full Italian lineage. By day she is a Brazillian lawyer, former professor of law, and also writes legal books. She speaks four languages: English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. When she is not practicing law or writing her next novel, she enjoys many interests as a very active person and is an avid reader.

Adriana loves to dance, especially the (Tango), she enjoys cooking and enjoys good food and good wine. She believes in exercising along with living a healthy lifestyle. She enjoys traveling and visits New York often, but her “Happy Place” is always spending time with her big happy family and her pets as a passionate animal lover. Adriana continues to reside on her little farm in Brasília, Brazil.

***Some of Novel Awards & Achievements of Ms. Gavazzoni***

“Where The Road Goes Novel Series” Book One – Sketches of Life – Gold Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Honorable Mention-Los Angeles Book Festival 2021 – Finalist – Book Excellence Awards

Book Two – Life Has Other Plans – Gold Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Book Excellence Award – Finalist – Eric-Hoffer Award – NIEA – National Indie Book Award – Honorable Mentions – Hollywood Book Festival 2022 & Paris Book Festival 2022 and Recent 2023 Genre, Action, Book Excellence Awards

All Novels Awarded 5-Star Reader’s Favorite Editorial Book Reviews. Multiply Awards Won For All Three Novels In The “Hidden Motives” Series…

Some of my favorite activities I enjoy are traveling and spending precious time with my family. I enjoy traveling with them as we taste the wines and foods of many cultures. That is what I enjoy when I am not working or writing my next novel. And? Of course, I love to dance the “Tango!”

~Adriana Gavazzoni Novelist


Where The Road Goes Series 
(2 book series) Book 1 of 2: Where The Road Goes Series 

From Book 1: 
A careless girl. A survivor alone in the world. A world in turmoil.

In the middle of WWII, France surrendered to Germany, and young Lily, half French and half American, has her life turned upside down. A careless girl, full of dreams, Lily must leave France and go to her father’s homeland, taking her mother with her. Lily’s mother becomes completely dependent upon her teenage daughter, and Lily is forced to grow up quickly. Trying her best to support them both, balancing work and dreams of continuing her studies, Lily meets her first love and discovers passion and betrayal on her way.

Ninon is a survivor. Alone in the world, she works as an exotic dancer in a French cabaret called Le Passioné, where she moves her hips to put food on her plate until a new and dangerous opportunity is presented to her. Although Ninon has lost faith in love and God, life will show her surprises can be found around every corner.

France, the United States, Spain, Austria, and Argentina present the backdrops for an epic tale of people trying to adapt to a world in turmoil—one that’s filled with secrets and surprises…

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Hidden Motives (3 Book Series) Book 1 of 3: Hidden Motives 

From Book 1:
A sudden death, an inexplicable crime, a serial killer on the loose…

When Lara dies at the hands of Manhattan lawyer Mark, during a sex game at her summer house in the Hamptons, Carl, Mark´s defense attorney, hires Simone Bennet, a psychiatrist, professor, and author of books on sexual behavior, to help him buttress his argument that Lara´s death was accidental. To help his defense, Mark has written a detailed account of his steamy, year-long relationship with Lara. Carl gives the text to Simone for analysis.

While evaluating the presumed killer´s writing, Simone continues to receive psychiatric patients with sexual disorders and unusual fantasies and to research strange sexual behavior for her next book. Simone´s clinical partner, friend, and research colleague, Edward, is working with the police to capture a serial killer, who is torturing and killing women around Simone´s world.

From hot and unusual sex to the swing houses of New York and Paris, this fast-paced gripping page-turner is a blend of mystery, suspense, humor, romance, and erotica. With a shocking twist at the end that no one sees coming, the serial killer may not be whom you think…

What readers are saying about Behind the Door a Multi-Award Winning Series

★★★★★ – “The story was fast-paced, intense, and very well written. It was so intense and simply too entertaining to put down!”

★★★★★ – “A psychological suspense thriller that kept me guessing right up until the end. There is twist after twist which kept me hooked.”

★★★★★ – “It grips you, holds you down, and sets your mind on fire. A brilliant first novel. I was so impressed, and I absolutely loved it. Well, Done!”

Her novels in the series “Hidden Motives” is now available in the Portuguese languageHer newest series “Where The Road Goes” will be too on Amazon very soon!

Motivos Ocultos (3 book series Portuguese Edition | Book 2 of 3: Motivos Ocultos 

I hope my readers and visitors have enjoyed learning more about novelist A Gavazzino and all her novels. I heard she just might be writing a new novel, book 4 to her series of “Hidden Motives?”

So we invite you to connect with her on social media and stop and visit her website listed so you will be ready for all the news, updates, and press about her upcoming releases.

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~Cat of Lyon Literary Media Marketing

Special Guest Literary Article by Our Friends of TCK Publishing. What Are The 2022 Predictions With Publishing Trends and New In Marketing and Promoting?

by Kaelyn Barron ~ TCK Publishing

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There have been many notable changes in the publishing industry over the last several years, from the steady rise of audiobook sales to the introduction of AI technology in book production.

A global pandemic and calls for more diverse representation shook things up in 2020 and 2021, so what’s in store for 2022?

We’ve analyzed some of the most prominent trends based on recent studies and our own data and observations to get a feel for what’s to come in the year ahead.

Here are 6 key publishing trends and predictions to look out for in 2022.

1. BookTok is a marketing must-have.

In 2021, TikTok became one of the fastest-growing social media platforms and an essential tool for branding and marketing. The publishing industry also caught on, with many authors and publishers turning to TikTok to grow their audiences.

Following in the path of “Bookstagram,” BookTok appears to be here to stay, with all trends indicating that even more authors will join the platform to market their books in 2022. So far, the hashtag #BookTok has garnered over 34.7 billion views on the platform.

We’ve seen the impact of BookTok firsthand with one of our own authors, Maclen Stanley, who has accumulated over 424,000 followers and 6 million likes in just a few months since his book The Law Says What? debuted in July. Many reviewers on Amazon have commented that they bought the book specifically because they enjoyed his related TikTok videos.

Book reviewers have also taken to the platform to share their thoughts on new books in short, easily-shared video clips, making them an influential force that authors and publishers cannot afford to ignore in 2022. To learn more about how TikTok can help you grow your platform, check out our post on TikTok marketing for authors.

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2. Audiobook sales will keep growing.

Although they’re still nowhere near topping print, audio, and ebook sales have been steadily rising for the past decade or so, with the audiobook industry, in particular, seeing rapid expansion.

One major development from 2021 was Spotify’s acquisition of Findaway, which likely indicates Spotify’s intent to give more focus to audiobooks, in addition to their current library of music and podcasts. Storytel also acquired, so there are now multiple players on the expanding audiobook field.

As we watch these companies implement their growth plans in 2022, audiobook sales are likely to continue their steady increase. Authors and publishers will want to keep their eye on these new and emerging opportunities to market their audiobooks.

As for the industry itself, there are a number of developments that will make audiobook production easier and faster, including rapid technological developments like AI narration.

3. AI will expand its influence.

Speaking of AI, it’s already being used to write fiction that improves almost daily. While it’s far from replacing human creativity, AI can help content creators find inspiration, retrieve facts, and outline their writing.

Of course, you’ve probably already used AI to improve your writing in some form or another—for example, if you’ve ever used a proofreading tool like Grammarly.

But publishers can also use the technology for plagiarism checks, editing, translations, SEO, and marketing. For example, if you’ve ever gotten a newsletter email with content recommendations that match your interests, you can thank AI for that.

Think of AI as publishing’s virtual assistant, and one that will prove increasingly helpful in the years to come.

4. Book prices will increase.

Inflation has caused the prices of many goods and services to rise over the past year, and it looks like book prices will be no exception.

IngramSpark already announced price changes that took effect on November 6, 2021, raising their print pricing by up to 6% in the US.

In a public service announcement to its members, the company explained that the changes are a result of “several cost increases for consumables, such as paper and packaging materials, as well as an increase in the cost of labor.”

So since the cost of producing books has risen, so too will their prices.

And on top of growing costs, there’s also a book shortage. As this Vox article explains, back in 2008, the world expected print books to become obsolete after the rise of the ebook, so many companies invested less in printing books.

But instead, the demand for print books has steadily increased (after experiencing a brief drop in 2008), and printers have not kept up.

The silver lining is that with book prices on the rise for both print and digital formats, special, limited-time promos like Kindle Countdown Deals could prove more appealing, allowing readers to benefit from discounts while authors can sell more books in a short period…

Apple concedes on 'anticompetitive' restrictions in App Store | Apple | The  Guardian
Reading Apps

Kindle Cloud Reader

“Introducing Kindle Vella”

Kindle Vella brings you stories released one short episode at a time, available on the web at and in the Kindle app.

Things to look out for if you’re new to Kindle Vella:

Follow the stories you like to keep up with the latest from your favorite characters.

When you like an episode, give it a Thumbs Up to let the author and other readers know you liked it.

The first few episodes of every story are always free–after that, purchase Tokens and redeem them to unlock episodes. Tokens may only be used to unlock Kindle Vella story episodes in the Kindle app and on the web at

When you unlock episodes, you will receive one Fave a week that you can award to the story you’re enjoying most that week. We’ll feature Top Faved stories so other readers can find them too.”

5. Serialized storytelling will continue to flourish.

Serialized fiction on platforms like Wattpad is nothing new, but there are more options than ever for both writers and readers of serials.

Amazon’s Kindle Vella rolled out last year, adding another prominent player to the serialized fiction field.

Some authors are finding serial fiction to be a more reliable monetization strategy than traditional publishing. Self-published authors in particular will benefit from this development, as they’re more likely than traditionally published authors to experiment with these platforms.

Sites like Wattpad, Kindle Vella, Inkitt, Tapas, Radish, and other online reading apps will continue to flourish as more authors experiment with different formats.

6. Calls for diversity will persist.

Calls for more diversity and representation in literature have grown stronger in recent years, and with all the work still left to do, it’s likely that those calls will persist.

In 2020, a study found that just 5% of children’s books published in the UK that year featured a main character who was Black or Asian (that’s actually an increase from 1% in 2017).

Meanwhile, in the US, children’s books featuring racially diverse characters or subjects grew slightly from 29% to 30% between 2019 and 2020.

Since it can take several years for a children’s book to be produced, we can hope to see more of the effects of 2020 and 2021’s intensified calls for diversity in 2022.

And it’s not just children’s books that need more diverse voices—according to a 2019 study, 85% of the people who acquire and edit books for the Big Five are white. This means that the people who decide what gets published by the Big Five, and how the final products turn out, are overwhelmingly white.

One way that publishers have begun to address this issue is by hiring editors tasked with recruiting more minority talent and also enlisting the help of sensitivity readers.

Is Publishing a Dying Industry?

The publishing industry is far from dying; in fact, print books rose 8.9% in 2021 over 2020.

And rather than hurting business, the Covid-19 pandemic actually saw many positive developments and increased book sales in 2020—a silver lining in an otherwise dark year for many.

Regardless of trends, there’s no better time than the present to finally write your book, or apply for that publishing job you’ve been eyeing.

Everyone loves a good story, so while their formats and production may change, books and publishing are here to stay.

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About The Writer and Author

Kaelyn Barron

Kaelyn Barron

As a blog writer for TCK Publishing, Kaelyn loves crafting fun and helpful content for writers, readers, and creative minds alike. She has a degree in International Affairs with a minor in Italian Studies, but her true passion has always been writing. Working remotely allows her to do even more of the things she loves, like traveling, cooking, and spending time with her family.

What Have We Learned A Year or So Later From COVID, Media, and Publicity Outreach? My Special Guest Marsha From News & Experts Tells Us. . .

What The Last Year Taught Us About COVID And Media Outreach

Posted on by Miguel Casellas-Gil

“Like me, you are probably saddened by news reports that COVID-19 is making a resurgence. Once again, the pandemic is poised to dominate news cycles and, in addition to worrying about health concerns, anyone who is trying to gain media coverage will need to think about how their message fits into the current media conversation.

One bright spot in this otherwise dismal situation is that we learned a lot over the last year about the opportunities for and the importance of PR during a pandemic, and we can all put those lessons to use going forward. In the spring of 2020, we encountered something we rarely if ever had faced in the more than three decades that News & Experts has been in existence.”

Practically every single news story every day was about one subject – the coronavirus. Under those conditions, how could we pitch clients whose expertise and messages had absolutely nothing to do with medicine or health? The one-topic news cycle seemed like a barrier – but only momentarily. Quickly it became clear that the pandemic affected more than health. Finance, sports, personal relationships, corporate culture, the workplace, education, travel and numerous other aspects of life were upended by the pandemic.

All of those topics were also ripe to be discussed and explored in the news. In other words, regardless of your message and your expertise, there was a place for you in the COVID conversation if you approached things the right way. That holds true today. This time the pandemic hasn’t completely hijacked the news, but it does still touch nearly everything in one way or another. That’s why it’s good to review any lessons learned from more than a year of dealing with it.

Stay In The Game

One lesson we definitely learned is that you don’t want to put your publicity efforts on hiatus until the pandemic is over, as some people were tempted to do. Who knows when this will all end. Instead, stay in the game by constantly massaging your message so it fits with what’s happening. This really is no different from what we always told clients in non-pandemic climates. You improve your odds of media success anytime you can link your expertise and message to what print journalists are already writing about, and what radio and TV talk show hosts are already talking about. With our guidance, this is what our clients were able to do.

One client who wrote a book on how the pandemic affected schools was able to speak to the difficulties parents and children encountered, and ways education might be improved as a result of lessons learned from COVID. Another whose expertise was remote work suddenly found that lots of people needed advice about her subject. A client who specializes in helping businesses raise capital spoke about funding options for those businesses rebounding from COVID.

So, if you are trying to promote your personal or business brand, explore where you might fit into the current conversation about the pandemic. The media always needs experts to comment on events and you can be that go-to person and share your knowledge.

If you are a business owner or a consultant who advises businesses, that could involve discussing business decisions about whether to require employees to be vaccinated or whether to request that customers wear masks. If you are a medical professional, you might be able to comment on news stories directly related to the virus or the vaccines.

Or possibly you could discuss the impact the pandemic is having across health fields, such as evolving protocols for office visits or procedures that get postponed.
Doing Good While Promoting Your Brand & Expertise

Something I wrote a year ago also bears repeating now as a lesson learned. You have an opportunity to become part of the conversation about the pandemic and its impact, but making use of this opportunity doesn’t mean you should be opportunistic.

You don’t want to approach it in an exploitative way because that would quickly backfire. But, if you have something valuable to share with the media’s readers, viewers and listeners, they will want to hear from you. A bonus is that you will be doing good in the world as well as promoting your brand.

Yes, we all learned lessons in the last year – and likely there are plenty more awaiting us.

And that’s the good news because each of those lessons will assist you in your goal of building a long list of media successes…

Keep Learning and Growing with News & Experts!

Marsha Friedman, CEO & Founder

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