Our Friends From Strong Social Are Back and Share Why Content Marketing IS Important …And Can Cost You SALES.

“The importance of content marketing is something that all companies including authors need to recognize in today’s digitally dominated business environment.”


With well over half of the world’s population using the internet regularly, it makes very little sense for all types of companies not to be investing in content for your marketing efforts. Users want to read, engage, and share informative and valuable content regularly. Why would a brand not want to be a part of that?

Well, statistically speaking, most brands and authors? you have a literary brand and most are using some form of content marketing strategy, so that is not the problem.

Instead, the issue is that most of these brands don’t understand the concept of content marketing. And as a result, their strategy is to create and post content, hoping that potential customers will somehow be enticed and ready to buy their products.

Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. Content marketing is a form of inbound marketing. The idea behind this digital marketing strategy is that instead of bombarding people with ads and promotions, you are providing your target audience with valuable content in exchange for their business.

Through this investment in content will cost you time, it will give you numerous benefits, which will increase your conversion rates and bottom line. What’s more, you will be able to circumvent the so-called ad fatigue that’s been plaguing advertising for some time now.

So, why will ignoring content marketing cost you sales?

Or to put it differently, how will content marketing help you increase your sales and conversion rates? What are the benefits of content marketing, and how can you utilize it to your advantage? Here are a few reasons why you should invest in content marketing.

Good Storytelling

Inbound marketers need to be able to tell a good story to help their organizations gain more followers. Humans are predisposed to good storytelling, and they will be more inclined to follow your brand if you are posting engaging custom content. It was Nirmal Gyanwali, a Sydney-based web design expert, that said “Content marketing, when done properly, is bound to generate more inbound traffic to your site for the reason that good content marketing focuses on what the people want to hear and not what the business wants to tell them. Stories are good bait. [Listeners will] always bite.”

As such, the stories you tell need to be in tune with what your target audience (readers) wants to hear. Take a friendly and accessible approach that’s able to captivate your audience with valuable insights and authentic stories. This type of custom content will be more likely to bring in sales. It will also help you develop meaningful relationships with customers, which will build trust in your brand’s authority.

Increased Website Traffic

Statistics show that successful content marketing campaigns generate up to 7.8 times more website traffic. It is a significant margin, considering that your website should be the central hub of all of your digital marketing initiatives. Basically, the more people that come to your site, the more sales you’ll be able to generate. Just ask your sales team about it.

Posting high-quality, consistent content on social media platforms, whether it’s in the form of blog posts, video content, images, infographics, etc.. should provide your target audience with a call to action redirecting them to a landing page on your site.

Better Website SEO

We all want our websites to rank high in Google’s search engine. If it’s on the first page and among the top three search results, even better. But for that to happen, you need excellent search engine optimization for your website. Luckily, creating content that your audience enjoys will help improve your search results rankings. Keep in mind that with Google’s somewhat recent algorithm updates, low-quality content will have a negative impact on your site’s searchability.

Marketing statistics show that long-form content, somewhere between 800 and 1,600 words, generates the best results. Not because of the word count, exactly, but because of the extra time and effort, you have to put into it. With longer content, you need to do more research, add more backlinks, and increase the chances of having your blog post backlinked, in return. Google’s algorithm update takes these things into consideration, and as a result, long-form content is currently the way to go to improve SEO.

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Superior Lead Generating

While content marketing is, on average, 62% cheaper than outbound forms of marketing such as paid advertising, it also can generate three times as many leads. The key to using content to generate qualified leads and customers is distribution. Getting your content in front of the right people can be somewhat challenging at first.

There are many options as far as places to post in hopes of bringing traffic back to your site. Among these, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, Medium, and other social networks are the best places to start.

When your marketing team is creating content for sharing on these busy networks, they should prioritize the following:

  • Aesthetics (appealing background) 
  • An attention-grabbing headline
  • Strong bullet points (based on benefits)
  • Social proofs & call-to-action (testimonials, media mentions, and opt-in forms)
  • Visual appeal (a personal photo, if appropriate)

Stronger Customer Relationships

By keeping your customers engaged with interesting content in their social media feeds, you are sure to build stronger and longer-lasting relationships with them. Fail to develop meaningful content that provides answers to the questions your customers are asking, and you will see many of them turn to the competition.

A product-heavy digital marketing strategy is no longer viable for providing a positive brand experience and generating leads. After being constantly bombarded with ads and promotions, millions of people are turning to ad blockers for relief. Offering constant sales and promotions will not always help either. This is especially true if these offers don’t match with the consumer’s buyer’s journey stage. And if they don’t meet the customer where they’re at, these may even turn them away.

Always Be Testing

Successful business owners like our friends of ‘Lyon Media and Literary Services’ no longer ignore the importance of providing valuable content creation to enhance customer experience and engage with their target market. Catherine is always researching for the best possible places for content about her authors, their books, and brand to gain more results in sales, exposure, and more reviews as she helps to build their readership, media,, and website following.

Your customer-focused content marketing strategy should deliver consistent and meaningful content that resonates with your audience at every stage of their customer journey, building trust with them along the way. This is the best and most proven way for you to increase your sales in the digital age and develop meaningful relationships with your customers and your target market.

We sure hope you find this information within this post helpful. Please stop by our website and blog at ‘Strong Social’ today to see how we can help you!


We are a team of Professional Digital Marketers since we started in 2013, we have had the privilege to work with over 600+ companies and have managed over 2000 social media profiles. We are proud to be recognized as one of the leading digital agencies by Clutch.co in 2019.

We help companies with digital marketing needs, from building a new Website, Social Media Management, SEO, Blog Writing, Advertising, and Lead Generation. Our strategies will help increase your online visibility, modernize your brand, make you stand out in your industry, and grow your business.

“Cat Lyon’s Reading and Writing Den” Blog Home of ‘Lyon Media and Literary Services’

cat vampire

Cat’s PR Friends Show us How To Social Media For ‘Building Your Brand and Use It To Grow Your Small Business Too.

Cat’s amazing friends of Strong Social – Media Blog is a great place to visit as they are a growing PR media site that helps “the little guys” become better at branding themselves as authors, writers, and if you are like me, run a small media marketing and book promoting brand and business.

They know the importance and power of Social Media to help authors build their brand and gain exposure, sales, and reviews for all their books. Let’s see what they are teaching us today about Branding and Using Social Media for your small business …~Cat Lyon


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4 Easy Tips to Apply Social Media Strategies to get your Brand Noticed

Social Media is no longer something that companies can go without. We’ve long past that time when small business owners thought that communicating with their key audience was more of a choice, rather than a mandatory necessity.

It so happens that being present on social networks has become a must in almost every sector of activity, and here are the top 5 social media must-haves for every brand:

5. A Social Media Manager

Sure, it sounds redundant, but trust us. Having a social media manager is mandatory if you want to get optimal results from your entire digital communication strategy. You can start by creating the social media accounts for your brand by yourself and try to keep them constantly updated, but sooner or later, you’ll realize that this activity is taking up more and more of your time.

This could lead to you getting distracted from your company’s core focus, making it necessary to hire a professional social media manager to take care of the work and to take things to the next level.

4. Instagram and Youtube Are a Must-Have

Even if you’re not activating in a very dynamic domain, your brand needs to be present on Instagram and Youtube. Assuming you already have a Facebook and a Twitter account, you should start placing a strong focus on the visual like book trailers or more about your craft as a writer.

When it comes to visual, Instagram (for photos) and Youtube (for videos, of course!) are the key social networks to focus on. More and more companies are shifting their communication efforts to visual content, because, we all know it, people have less and less time to read.

Keep it social with strong visual content!

3. Focus on Understanding Social Media Management Tools

If your brand has a lot of things to communicate, you can easily forget to post certain updates or news because you are present on too many platforms. This is why opting for a social media management tool that helps you organize and schedule posts on different social networks is a life-saver.

Hootsuite is one of the most popular choices out there, but feel free to look around to what best suits your needs, or consults with your social media manager (if you already have one) on what tools you should start using.

2. Try Getting More into The Analytics

Sprout Social is a very special social media solution for every brand. It’s being used by top worldwide companies because not only does it make social media easier to manage, but it also provides detailed-customized reports to help you improve your digital communication. And save time posting by automating your posts on social media by using Buffer (dot) Com. They are an affordable Social Media Management Platform.

“Buffer makes it easy for businesses and marketing teams to schedule posts, analyze performance, and manage all their accounts in one place.”

They both can also be considered strong lead generators for your business if you analyze all the reports carefully and make the necessary adjustments in order to achieve your business goals.

It’s definitely worth giving it a shot!

1. Focus on hashtags

Hashtags are as important today as they were the first time they were introduced by Twitter. It helps people search and index a certain topic, making it easier for you to connect with your core audience.

Use websites like hashtagify.me to get the best relevant hashtags you need to send out your message. Hashtags are one of the easiest ways to make your message visible to a wider audience, so be sure to include them in your updates.

Now let’s talk about to grow your business on Social Media!

Social Media, Facebook, Twitter

5 Tips on How to Use Social Media for Small Businesses


It’s no longer a secret that social media helps any business in reaching its targeted audiences. Not only that, but social media has become a must-have for any business, be it big or small. It’s a very fast, efficient and easy to use way of getting in touch with your current and future possible clients.

It helps in raising awareness about your company, it helps in getting leads for your business, and it’s a way of letting people know what your company is doing on a regular basis.

Sure, everything sounds good in theory, but let’s look over 5 tips on how to use social media for small businesses. A more practical approach.

5. Start by setting up a social media plan for your business

First thing’s first. Set up a social media plan where you do an audit of your company and try to figure out which social networks work best for your industry. We’re not going to lie to you, research does take up a lot of time in the beginning. Help is out there, and affordable if you “just want to WRITE,” look to our friend ‘Cat’ of lyonmediaservices.com and she can surely help. WHICH?


The good news? That it’s worth it and you only have to do it once. At least to that extent. After that, it’s all about her trying to keep you relevant in your field and do constant check-ups on what the competition is doing. Which brings us to our next tip…

4. Research your competition and keep up to date with the latest news

In the digital age, not knowing what your competition is doing is a definite disadvantage. Especially since doing research or checking updates from your competitors has never been easier.

Start by following their social media accounts and see what they’re posting. Analyze their content and try to identify a pattern. See what works with their audience and how they engage with people who approach them. You can even take it a step further, by subscribing to their newsletters, webinars, conferences and so on, just to be sure that you’re always in the loop.

Take whatever works from their social media communication and add it to your plan.


3. Master one social media platform

Spreading too much, too fast is almost never a good idea. Sure, start by creating social media accounts for your business on all the relevant social networks, but try to master one platform before being “too social” on all of them.

Time is a limited resource and most likely, you will not be able to invest the same amount of time on all social networks. Rather than having 3-4 accounts with less developed content, try on focusing on one and get yourself noticed there. After that, it’s easy to scale and take a part of your audience with you. This blends with the next tip we have in store for you.

2. Engage with your audience. See what they have to say

This tip is probably the most important one of them all, however, this does not mean that you should skip all the other steps. Engaging with your audience can prove to be crucial, especially when you are a small business or a company that’s just starting out.

Your customers and the relationship you build with them is all you have. This is why you need to nurture it and put almost as much time in it as you would put in your products and services. Establishing a loyal fan base is key in taking your business to the next level. Answer questions and ask questions. This will get the ball rolling.

1.Create Your Brand Recognition

If you manage to create a strong brand recognition, you can already consider yourself a winner. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should leave your guard down, but it does mean that you will need to put less effort into your communication activities and you can focus on taking your business even further.

You’ll be able to focus more on developing your product, think about scaling up and how to acquire more customers, once your company has established itself as a strong brand.

You’ll be able to communicate more, by saying less. You’ll appear professional, but also close to your audience.


If you’re interested in learning more about social media management, or if you have any questions about social media for small businesses, do not hesitate to contact our specialized consultants. CAT SURE Highly Recommends Them!!


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Marsha From PR Insider Is Back Sharing Why Publicity Is Important If You Are Online Like Cat …A Lot!

How smart ‘influencers’ are benefiting from publicity!

Why Publicity is the Next Step for Online Influencers


Marsha Friedman

Practically all of us are on social media these days, but some of us have found ways to make a bigger splash than others.

These are the people who have become known as social media influencers. They have established credibility in a specific industry, drawn a ton of followers, and each day manage to use that credibility and reach to persuade others.

A couple of the more extreme examples are Zoe Sugg, a fashion and beauty blogger with nearly 40 million online fans; and Mark Fischbach, a video-gaming guru with more than 20 million subscribers on YouTube as well as millions of followers on other social media platforms.

Other social media influencers may not have nearly as much reach, but all of them have established themselves as trusted sources of information for their followers – and, yes, can influence those followers when it comes to making decisions.

But here’s what I believe: Even an online influencer can benefit from a publicity effort that targets the more traditional media, such as print, radio, and TV.

In fact, I’ve seen that play out just recently with one of our clients, who has a YouTube channel with more than 13 million total views, and a large following of more than 1.5 million fans – and counting – across his social media pages.

Yet, despite that success, he also recognized that some old-fashioned publicity could spotlight him before an audience he hadn’t previously been reaching. He came to us to arrange interviews with the press, and TV and radio shows–connecting his digital presence with the traditional media.

And let’s face it. If even influencers need the credibility that publicity in traditional media gives them, then certainly you do, too.

So, here are a few reasons influencers – and you – should make use of print and broadcast media to gain publicity:

  • Diversify your audience. Yes, if you’re an influencer on Instagram, for instance, you have high-name recognition among your followers – and that’s wonderful. But how does that name recognition hold up when you stray away from those followers? If you want to establish yourself as a widely recognized authority in your field, it’s important to diversify your audience. A proven way to reach that broader audience is through interviews with the print media, with TV  appearances and with radio talk-show interviews.

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  • Elevate your sphere of influence. Those media and social media interviews do more than just get your name floating around. They also add to your credibility. Whenever you appear in print, on TV or on talk radio, you are in essence receiving an implicit endorsement from the media, which decided you had something worthwhile to say to their audiences. You stand out from your competitors, and now have an edge over them. In short, elevating your sphere of influence also elevates you.
  • Grow your audience even more. As you get that publicity in the mainstream media, many more people will learn about you and some of them are likely to become followers on your social media platforms. Your success builds on itself.
  • Grow your business. If you are a social media influencer who derives income from advertising sponsors, then you can leverage your influencer publicity to attract even more sponsors. In addition, all the new eyes that find you, as a result, are potential customers or clients for your product or service.


In all these ways, publicity for influencers is like publicity for anyone who wants to raise the profile for a business or personal brand. As you build your credibility through your success with the media, you can set yourself apart and gain an edge over your competitors.

Influentially yours,



I Hope You Will Join Me. Trump Needs To GO! I’m on Board …

It’s Time For The People To Take Back America. Time To Impeach Donald J. Trump and Send Him Back To The Golf Course Where He Belongs –Not In The White House. I Signed, Will YOU?

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“Donald Trump has brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice, and taken money from foreign governments. We need to impeach this dangerous president.  ~By Tom Steyer and The Folks of Need o Impeach



July 17, 2018

Barack Obama warned of “strongman politics” and leaders who “double down” on lies, a day after President Trump met with Vladimir Putin

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 1:13

Without mentioning President Trump by name, former President Barack Obama delivered a pointed rebuke of “strongman politics” on Tuesday, warning about growing nationalism, xenophobia, and bigotry in the United States and around the world, while offering a full-throated defense of democracy, diversity and the liberal international order.

A day after Mr. Trump met with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Mr. Obama delivered his highest-profile speech since leaving office, at an event in South Africa marking the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth.

Read More »

Donald Trump has obstructed justice over the investigation into Russia’s interference in our 2016 election. He has brought us to the brink of nuclear war through his reckless tweets. He has taken — and continues to take — money from foreign governments for his own personal enrichment.

He is, without a doubt, a clear and present danger to our nation. In December 2017, a panel of constitutional lawyers convened and agreed that there is more than enough evidence to begin the impeachment process. They argued that Congress has an obligation to act now.

Enough is enough. It’s past time for lawmakers to put country first. Our president is unhinged and must be removed from office. But too many members of Congress are afraid to take this necessary measure. They need to hear our voices and see the strength of our movement if we want them to do what’s right.

Will you join me and millions of your fellow Americans and add your name demanding impeachment? Add your name here by visiting this page: Sign The Petition for Need To Impeach Trump.


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Just a few of the reasons WHY he needs to be impeached!! (Courtesy of Founder, Tom Steyer and “Need to Impeach” )


Tom Steyer: Donald Trump has committed “treason”

(SAN FRANCISCO, July 16, 2018)—Need to Impeach Founder Tom Steyer released the following statement following the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin and subsequent press conference in Helsinki today: More

Tom Steyer Statement on the Indictment of 12 Russian Intelligence Agents in the Mueller Investigation

(SAN FRANCISCO, July 13, 2018)—Need to Impeach Founder Tom Steyer released the following statement following the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence agents by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for the cyber attack on the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign, Democratic National Committee, and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: More

Tom Steyer at the California Democratic Party Meeting: “The American people are getting played by the D.C. establishment.”

(OAKLAND, CA, July 14, 2018)—Tom Steyer today called out the Washington, D.C. establishment for “playing” the American public and for failing to respond to Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on our democracy, including his meeting on Monday to befriend Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who masterminded cyberattacks on the 2016 Presidential election. More

ALL 8 offenses are listed here: Impeachable Offenses!


"Daily Show" interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates.


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Image result for copy free images quotes about america was always great obama


If You Feel The Same As Me?

Visit “Need to Impeach” and sign the petition today so your voice can be heard as an American. America was always Great …Until Trump!

~CAT Proud Democrat!

New Year Advice From My Dear Friend Marsha and WHY Video is ‘HOT’ in Marketing Yourself & Your Books…

Since we are starting a fresh New Year, I came across TWO exceptional articles from my friend and PR Expert, Marsha Friedman that shares two vital parts to marketing you, your books, and Brand! We can never have too much advice from a Public Relations firm that Marsha runs and is the founder of. Let’s make 2018 our “Year To Shine!”

“2018 Is Your Time To Shine!”


 by | Jan 3, 2018.| General MarketingPR Education


The start of a New Year is always a great time to focus on creating a “new you” – or at least an improved version of the old you.

Sometimes we do that through resolutions about dieting and exercise that, sadly, we don’t always keep. Sometimes we enter January vowing that in the next 12 months we will travel more, read more or spend more time with the family.

As you look ahead to all the possibilities that a New Year brings, let me suggest that if you’ve been letting your personal brand languish, 2018 can be your time to shine! It can be the year you rise from obscurity to fame – or at least to recognition as a voice of authority and go-to expert in your field. You just need to be willing and determined to make it happen!

You can bet that if you don’t, someone else – possibly a direct competitor – is going to step into the limelight that you neglected. They will be the ones polishing up their personal brands and, as a result, speaking with journalists, chatting with radio and TV show hosts, and linking to their media success stories on their websites.

Several years ago when I wrote my book Celebritize Yourself, personal branding hadn’t become quite as widespread as it is today. Certainly, some people – Zig Ziglar, Suze Orman and Bob Greene, just to name a few – had become extraordinarily successful at it, but at that time there weren’t always as many ways for people to promote themselves as there are now.

Most of the social media platforms that we have come to take for granted were either in their formative years or were dismissed as being irrelevant or unimportant. How quickly that changed! Now it’s so easy for anyone to create a Facebook, Twitter or other social media account and introduce themselves to the world.

Meanwhile, the old-school ways of promoting yourself via earned media in print, on radio and TV are still around, too. With so many opportunities out there, let me suggest just a few things you can do in 2018 to make this the year you take your personal brand to a new level:

  • Maintain a digital presence. Over just the last few years, I’ve seen more and more people who seem to – finally – get this. They understand the need for a website. They know the value of being featured in online publications and showing up in Google searches. They realize they need to be on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or other social media sites, spreading their message in the places where millions of people check in daily. Still, on occasion, I encounter people who have no digital presence or haven’t posted anything on their social media platforms in months or even years. But in this day and age, an active digital presence is a must!
  • Continue to build your credibility. You want to be viewed as someone who provides insight on what’s happening in your field, and who offers helpful tips and interesting observations to people who follow you on social media. You can do that through a blog and through your regular social media posts, as well as through any interviews you can land with the media. By building your credibility you will come to be seen as an authority on your topic.
  • Make sure you deliver your best work. If you promote your personal brand, but don’t deliver an excellent service or product, eventually it will catch up with you and all the work you put into creating your personal brand will be meaningless. On the other hand, when your work shows the caring you have for your clients, it reinforces that shine you worked so hard to achieve.

So make a vow that 2018 will be your year! Although it may seem a daunting task, this really can be the year you create a truly authentic personal brand that will positively sparkle by the time 2019 arrives.

That’s a resolution definitely worth keeping…Shine on!



Yes, this is me shining on!! Now to our next article!




Make Video An Integral Part of Your 2018 Marketing Plan!

“As many of you know, I love brainstorming with my team to distill ideas and tips that not only can be useful in working on behalf of our clients, but also to share with you in the PR Insider.”


This week my creative team and I were in the middle of just such a session when Jay York, our senior social media strategist, intrigued me with his thoughts about current trends in video marketing.

Let’s face it. With today’s technology, combined with the vast reach of social media, it’s easier than ever to create your own video segments that can become an integral part of your overall marketing strategy. You don’t even need a studio worthy of “Good Morning, America” or special effects that would make you the envy of George Lucas. In fact, the less formal the production is the better.

And once you arrive at your finished product, you can put your video on Youtube, share it on other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and post a link to it from your website.

Frankly, you can get a lot of marketing mileage out of just one video – but you shouldn’t stop there because there are so many approaches you can take. You might create a series of short messages filled with insights into your area of expertise.

You might want to show your company culture with glimpses of team-building outings for example. It can show you’re a fun company to work with, or that you’re philosophically aligned and share commonalities with potential clients. These can be deciding factors when choosing a company to work with. At EMSI, we often use videos for those peeks inside the company, sharing them on Instagram!

So, with an assist from Jay, let me offer a few tips on what you should do to get started and get the most out of your video marketing this year:

  • Round up the equipment. This shouldn’t take long. After all, you won’t need the 124 cameras that ESPN reportedly used for the college national championship football game. One lone cell phone should serve your needs, although a tripod would be nice in case the person who does the taping lacks a steady hand. You’ll also want to decide on an appropriate setting. This simply could be your office or a backdrop of bookshelves. On occasion, you might even opt for an outdoors shot. Some of this will depend on the type of message you’re sending and just how serious – or light-hearted – your approach is.
  • Prepare your message. You don’t want to wing it, so know what you want to say and how you want to say it. In terms of length, although succinct is often better, Jay tells me the game has changed a little on that count. The typical recommendation used to be one to two minutes, but if you’re offering valuable information and are engaging, you can keep an audience interested longer than that, up to perhaps 12 minutes. And if you are making a speech or presentation before a group, don’t be reluctant to tape the whole thing – even if that means 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Keep it conversational. It’s best to look into the camera and speak as if you are having a conversation with a friend. The last thing you want to do is keep your head down and read in a monotone from a prepared text.
  • Consider going live. Now that you’re no longer jittery about a video (I’m going ahead and taking that leap here!) the next step is to consider going live. How? One opportunity is on Facebook, where there are advantages to a live video presentation. For one thing, Facebook gives precedence to live video so you will pop up at the top of your followers’ feeds. In addition, the live video will be interactive, so viewers can send you questions that you will see on your screen. You can respond immediately or use some of the questions as ideas for future video presentations.

A video is going to be more relevant in marketing in 2018 than ever before, which means you need to give serious consideration to incorporating it into your overall strategy.

Granted, not everyone enjoys going in front of a camera. I get that! But I also know the importance of video, so I’m going to suggest you overcome any camera fright and, if you haven’t already done so, take the video plunge! And yours in high definition!


About Marsha Friedman
Marsha Friedman launched EMS Incorporated in 1990. Her firm represents corporations and experts in a wide array of fields such as business, health, food, lifestyle, politics, finance, law, sports, and entertainment. She consults individuals and businesses on a daily basis and is frequently asked to speak at conferences about how to harness the power of publicity.



Meet “Twine Social” They Make Your Media Content Look Good! And My Friends At “Pro Writing Aid” Too!

Welcome Friends And Readers,


When I come across tools for Social Media, and ones that can not only make us Look Good across the Web, but save time and keep our media content in order, I enjoy sharing them with you. I recently signed up at; http://www.twinesocial.com/ because it seemed all my BFF’s & some of my supporters all seem to be there! Like my girls on Twitter; @SixBrownChicks  @ZondraHughes  @blackissocial, and @TwineSocial too! Here is a little more of “What & How” they can make you “Look Good” across the Web!


Get your Twine Social Hub On!
Twine Social collects your brand’s social media content, and arranges it in a beautiful and dynamic view.
What Is Twine Social?
Twine Social collects your social media content, and arranges it in a beautiful and dynamic view. It provides the tools you need to grow and engage your social audience. Display any social media content on your digital properties, and drive massive social engagement.
Connect any combination of social media feeds, including hashtags, from any social media network and Twine Social will aggregate your content onto one stunning destination on your website, TV, video wall, or display.
Your customers see your brand in action, making Twine the perfect social media hub.Twine is richly interactive and engaging. Get beautiful presentation of your photos, videos, and other social media elements on your digital properties.
Watch your user engagement skyrocket.
Award winning social aggregation. We bring a personal and effective approach to social media. Bring your brand alive with Twine.

+215% visit duration. +60% average page views per visit. Twine is the ideal tool to drive higher social media engagement.

Twine Features
Twine is a powerful social platform, bringing together your social media content and streams from around the web. Our easy-to-use user interface enables you to quickly connect your social media profiles, moderate content, and promote your social media profiles in real time.
Supported Networks ~Twine supports every major social media platform. Connect your brand social media profiles, and your social content will appear – beautifully presented – in near real time.
Pricing. All of it. No Hidden fees. (Really.) Each plan allows you to display social media from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, and more.
So what are you waiting for? Go visit them here; http://www.twinesocial.com/ and get stared today! I did! http://www.twinesocial.com/AuthorCatLyonLuvRecovery
I’m going to go add the rest of my Media Links.
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OK Writers, Bloggers, and Authors, this ones for YOU! Meet the team at “Pro Writing Aid”
My next share is of a wonderful and helpful writing & editing tool offered by; “Pro Writing Aid”… http://prowritingaid.com/ They have a free editing tool you can go try for yourself with a copy & paste sample of a post, then it will analyze it for you and tell you what needs fixed. You can download the software to use as well. So here is a little bit more of what they offer!
Improve and edit your writing
ProWritingAid is your free online writing editor and personal writing coach. Of course it checks your grammar but it does much more to help you improve your writing:
Online grammar and spelling checker;
  • Online plagiarism checker;
  • Improve readability;
  • Find overused words;
  • Improve dull paragraph structure;
  • Find repeated words and phrases;
  • Check for consistency of spelling, hyphenation, and capitalization;
  • Eliminate clichés and redundancies;
  • Create a word cloud of your text;
Eliminate vague, abstract, and complex words from your writing. 19 free reports to improve your writing comes with service.
Our premium version makes editing even simpler…
If you’re a professional then time is money. ProWritingAid premium will significantly reduce the amount of time that you need to allocate for editing your work.
The premium edition of ProWritingAid combines our reports with a powerful document editor, allowing you to edit as you go and choose from a list of suggested replacements for grammar and spelling issues.
The premium edition costs as little as $35 for 1-year with significant discounts on multi-year, and multi-person licenses. Many people find that using the premium edition significantly speeds up their editing.
Premium subscribers can also access our premium WordPress plugin that brings the power of ProWritingAid into the world’s most popular blogging platform. Whether you’re a professional writer, a student, an academic, a civil servant, or a businessperson ProWritingAid will help you to improve your writing! .

Authors & Writers

For many professional writers ProWritingAid is the perfect way to save money on professional copyediting services. ProWritingAid will catch many of the same things as a professional copyeditor but without the cost.
A good professional copyeditor will cost at least $40 an hour. Using ProWritingAid before sending your work to a copyeditor will save you money and leave the editor free to concentrate on more important stylistic issues.
ProWritingAid has a number of reports specifically designed for the professional novelists, such as the pacing report that will highlight areas of slow pacing (e.g. back-story), allowing you to easily spot areas with too much back-story and not enough action.
*So go give “Pro Writing Aid” a visit and test your writing in their free editor tool and see the difference in your writing today. The have competitive prices for the “Premium Services” they offer too! http://ProWritingAid.com/
I hope these tools will help you as much as they help me. I really enjoy both. These are my own opinions and they are not advertising, it is from my own personal use and experience with both these Websites & Services…
Author Of “Addicted To Dimes”