Our Spooky Special Halloween Interview and Author News With Award-Winning Novelist Pavane Ravel. “The Other Shoes of Larry Martin” Series.

An Interview With Novelist and New Award-Winning Author ~ Pavane Ravel


“A passionate writer, Pavane Ravel has always wanted to be a full-time writer. She grew up in a conservative Catholic home. She is the author and writer of her introductory novel series “The Other Shoes of Larry Martin.” She lives in Manhattan and spends time concentrating on both family and her writing.”

****Per The PenCraft Awards****
2023 PenCraft Book Award Runner-Up Winner

Fiction – RealisticThe Other Shoes of Larry Martin: Book Two: On Becoming Laurie Roberts (Larry Martin Novel Series) BY Pavane Ravel
Pavane Ravel Award-Winning Novelist


Where have you spent most of your childhood?

Most of my childhood was spent growing up in Miami. Back then, it wasn’t crowded, and I loved it. My memories are such that while our house had no central air, I don’t remember it being hot. But that was likely because I was always swimming in the water somewhere – pool or beach.

Why do you think there is such power in words and literature? When did you first discover this power?

From an early age, once I learned how to read, books affected me. Stories had the power to transport me to places I had never been and teach me things from many perspectives. History and nonfiction were all part of my education, but fiction appealed to my imagination. I loved the power of fiction for this reason. There were no boundaries in this literature … each story was unique, and they were fuel for my own active thoughts.

Have you always been a big reader?

Yes. As a young person, I read nearly everything I could get my hands on. There was no internet, so it was ALL about books. And music.

I felt like a changeling in my family. My parents were religious, and they wanted me to be like them, the polar opposite of me. They were completely devoid of any imagination. But I couldn’t be like them. They were horrified I wanted to be a writer and a composer. They were sick of me being a bookworm and wanted me to be more social in the church. I struggled with this.

My peers couldn’t talk literature with me; they had read nothing of what I had read. It was difficult for me to find a social common ground because I had no interest in what interested them … mainly church, cosmetics, boys, and gossip.

Looking back, I can see how I could have been considered aloof and headstrong. But I was living in my own world, and I was content with that. At the age of 13, two things changed for me: 1) I began to write my first fiction novel, and 2) I was finally allowed to travel abroad on my own. My parents were oddly broad-minded about this. But for me, both opened massive new worlds, and I was thrilled to dive into them.

What is your favorite way to escape from the present and relax (besides reading or writing)?

I have many loves. My family and I are extremely close. My wonderful husband and I have two daughters, both successful and brilliant creatives. I enjoy hanging out with them, often grilling some great dinner by the pool. I also enjoy composing. I call it movie soundtrack music. If I ever get Larry Martin’s theme properly recorded, I will add it to my website.

In the past, I have also enjoyed working with some of the Atlanta Chamber Choir and the Atlanta Symphony in a studio recording of a classical thirteen-movement tone poem, The Bride of Kaslin Burke. A tone poem is a symphonic work that tells a story.

During this time of composing and recording, I was writing my second novel, Hepplewhite. I came close to publishing when I was knocked over by the idea of The Other Shoes of Larry Martin.

I don’t worry that I’ve done nothing with either Burke or Hepplewhite. Both projects are finished and can be dusted off when I am ready for them.

In sum, music and family are my favorite ways to relax and escape from the present.

What inspired the story of “The Other Shoes of Larry Martin” series?

Larry began with a kernel of an idea: A homeless guy finds happiness for a night by creating a small structure in which he can read and eat while staying dry and warm from the rain storming outside.

I thought it would be a quick and easy short story to write. I was wrong.

Once I began writing, the story grew to immense proportions. The Other Shoes of Larry Martin is a fictional contemporary political drama. It has become a seven-book saga of one long story.

While the story is character-driven by Larry, it encompasses current progressive anti-Trump politics and social nuances covering men’s tears, toxic masculinity, loneliness and insecurity, bullying, the building of strong platonic relationships of men, white supremacy, and more. None of this is instructional. These nuances are simply part of the story. Readers, themselves, will decide what they think on these issues.

In Book One, Revelation of Lies, Larry begins as a despicable person working for an extreme alt-right website as a journalist. His columns denigrate the poor and the homeless. When he becomes homeless himself, he realizes that everything he believes is a lie. He works to change. He opens his mind and becomes metaphysical in his higher learning. After he embraces kindness as a power and after he survives his homeless ordeal, what happens to him next is extraordinary.

I have only published Books One and recently Book Two. I have decided to finish the series before I publish more. I am in the middle of Book 6 now. After I finish Book 7, I can fire my publishing salvos.

For me, this is just a huge project. But I have learned that 1) trying to publish while 3)) working with my editor on other books and 3) still trying to write to push the story forward … is all too much for me.

However, Books One and Two are now available to start this series. It can be purchased through my website, pavaneravel.com (which I prefer), or on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and anywhere else, like Target or Walmart. Larry has a 5-star editorial review from Reader’s Favorite for Book 2 and many 5-star Amazon reviews for both.

In what ways did you try to lift this book up and make it different from other books of its genre?

You’d think this would be easy, right? Except it’s not. I knew I was writing for and leaning toward progressives, liberals, independents, and democrats … but when my editor and I began researching comparable books, there were none.

There are simply no progressive heroes in current literature. Progressive heroes like Captain America or Superman don’t count.

When my editor told me that he’d never read anything like Larry Martin, I understood. When a Barnes & Noble reviewer wrote, “I read a lot, but I have never read a story like Larry Martin,” I understood. When an Amazon review wrote, “Although fictitious, Pavane develops a character that symbolizes hope for humanity,” I was blown away.

While I was writing Book One, I lived in fear because I didn’t know what I was doing. Somewhere along the line, I chucked the fear and let Larry show me who he was and what he wanted to do. That’s all I did to lift this book up and be what it was. It was all I could do. And now, I let my reviews speak for themselves.

As a writer, how do you come up with and commit to ideas? How do you get in touch with your characters?

When writing, I watch a literal movie in my mind. I transcribe as I watch. I do not try to control my characters. I have learned to let them live their lives and direct me. By doing this, they show me things I never would have thought of. They constantly surprise me. So, it’s not so much that I come up with and commit to ideas. It’s more that I am shown what those ideas are … and this keeps me firmly in touch with my characters on a visceral level. They are real to me. I feel them and hear them. But as an author, I don’t think I am unique in this way.

What has been the most memorable experience of being an author?

Being an author is all I’ve ever wanted to do. I am gratified that I have finally arrived at the right time in life to fulfill my lifelong dream.

But I had no idea how difficult it would be.

As far as my Larry Martin novels go, they have gotten too big for me. I am not sure I am qualified to write them. My editor scoffs, saying I say that about every book. But I don’t know. Right now, I feel out of my league. These last two books will be the hardest thing I’ve ever written, especially the finale of Book Seven.

What’s most memorable for me about being an author is tamping down fear and dread. I don’t suppose I will ever get cocky about my writing. Still. It’s what I want to do, so I will go on with determination and confidence. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling this way.

What does your life as a writer look like?

I am lucky. I have the support of my family. They are my biggest fans.

As for my life, I tend to rise at about 5:00 in the morning when my eyes open. I make coffee and watch the sun come up while sitting on my deck, thinking about the current scene I am writing. I often watch the movie in my mind.

When I am not in Manhattan, I go to my cottage in the North Georgia foothills. There, I have a big sunroom. This is my home office. It overlooks a forest. And this is where I do most of my writing.

My life is full of family and friends who love me. Sometimes, they struggle with my writing process because when I am writing, I shut everyone out so I can make serious progress. They respect and understand this, but they don’t necessarily like it.

While I try to balance everyone and everything, I do not always succeed. In sum, my life as a writer is a constant balancing act between my responsibilities and doing what I need to do to keep my family happy.

Are novels dying? If a current college student dreams of being a writer one day, should they focus more on visual media like TV, movies, web videos, etc., because no one will read novels in the future?

This is a difficult one because technology is always changing. Social media is always expanding. The Metaverse is right around the corner, and its impact on reality will be interesting, if not questionable.

I want to believe that novels will always be relevant. If not, how do we tell our stories? How does anyone produce a movie fiction drama or screenplay on YouTube without a written, edited story?

Yes, writers should be savvy to current media. However, nothing is producible without a story. That story must be written. So, I am going to say that novels are here to stay for now, even if on tablets, phones, or computers. Regardless of how one reads a book, it is still a book.

What are some of the most profound “shower thoughts” you’ve had?

A shower can be a personal time of water, soap, and cleansing. For me, like many, I sometimes contemplate my problems here. I rarely write. Mostly, I hear the current music I’m composing. Sometimes, I can even figure out a section that has me stymied. I don’t know if any of this is profound. To me, it’s just me being me.

How do you maintain that equilibrium between writing what you want and what your readers want?

I don’t. I am somewhat new in my career. When I wrote my first novel, I wrote it for myself and put it in a drawer. It will never be published. But this book helped me to learn what it took to write a novel.

When I wrote my second book, Hepplewhite, I knew it was for young adults and, thus, for everyone. I do intend to publish this novel one day. But the Larry Martin series was a whole new experience. I realized it was controversial. I had a story to tell, and I couldn’t worry about readers (what they might think or want.) If I had, I would have felt too intimidated to continue. I simply decided whether readers would like it or not. I am well aware there is no pleasing everyone.

Storytelling is just that. It’s very different than, let’s say, marketing or writing for a particular industry demographic targeting a specific readership. Perhaps some novel writers do target a specific readership. A book on writing, for example, would target new writers. That makes sense.

But, for me, I just have stories to tell. There is no equilibrium between what I want to write and what my readers want. At least not yet … and maybe never. I don’t know. But I do know that I like having a writing plan for the future. . . .

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Meet Adriana Gavazzoni A Multi-Award-Winning International Fiction Romance Writer From Brazil & Her Two Award-Winning Novel Series…

Welcome Readers and Friends to Cat’s Reading Den Today. . .

I would like you to meet our newest writer and author who seems to be on “literary fire” right now with the multi-award wins she is stacking up and has been winning this year and last. We had worked together for several years when her first series of Hidden Motives books began to release, and we both enjoyed working together. Then, she began her newest novel series, so, I am honored and excited to have Adriana back!

So, please meet this beautiful person inside and out, Ms. Adriana Gavazzoni. Here is all you should know about her and her five books within two exceptional novel series titled “Where The Road Goes” and her first series of “Hidden Motives.”

Adriana is a writer of romantic thrillers, mystery, gripping suspense, and a little historical romance laced with intrigue, spying, and espionage.  She is one of the most talented writers I know who incorporates beautiful strong women as main and lead characters in her novels.

So, learn more about her and her novels, shall we …


Adriana Gavazzoni is a Brazillian Multi-Award-Winning Novelist of five published literary works within two novel series titled, ‘Hidden Motives’ and ‘Where The Road Goes.

She has become a critically acclaimed popular steamy romance fiction writer of light erotic with cross-genres of steamy murder mystery suspense, historical romantic thrillers, coming-of-age, and women’s gripping crime fiction. Adriana’s break-out debut of “Behind The Door” book one of the “Hidden Motives” series firmly placed her on the literary map nationally and internationally. All her novels are available on Amazon Books, Amazon Kindle, and Kindles available within Kindle Unlimited.

All her novels are featured on online literary book sites, Book Stores, and literary magazines.

Born and raised in Brazil, she is of full Italian lineage. By day she is a Brazillian lawyer, former professor of law, and also writes legal books. She speaks four languages: English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. When she is not practicing law or writing her next novel, she enjoys many interests as a very active person and is an avid reader.

Adriana loves to dance, especially the (Tango), she enjoys cooking and enjoys good food and good wine. She believes in exercising along with living a healthy lifestyle. She enjoys traveling and visits New York often, but her “Happy Place” is always spending time with her big happy family and her pets as a passionate animal lover. Adriana continues to reside on her little farm in Brasília, Brazil.

***Some of Novel Awards & Achievements of Ms. Gavazzoni***

“Where The Road Goes Novel Series” Book One – Sketches of Life – Gold Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Honorable Mention-Los Angeles Book Festival 2021 – Finalist – Book Excellence Awards

Book Two – Life Has Other Plans – Gold Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Book Excellence Award – Finalist – Eric-Hoffer Award – NIEA – National Indie Book Award – Honorable Mentions – Hollywood Book Festival 2022 & Paris Book Festival 2022 and Recent 2023 Genre, Action, Book Excellence Awards

All Novels Awarded 5-Star Reader’s Favorite Editorial Book Reviews. Multiply Awards Won For All Three Novels In The “Hidden Motives” Series…

Some of my favorite activities I enjoy are traveling and spending precious time with my family. I enjoy traveling with them as we taste the wines and foods of many cultures. That is what I enjoy when I am not working or writing my next novel. And? Of course, I love to dance the “Tango!”

~Adriana Gavazzoni Novelist


Where The Road Goes Series 
(2 book series) Book 1 of 2: Where The Road Goes Series 

From Book 1: 
A careless girl. A survivor alone in the world. A world in turmoil.

In the middle of WWII, France surrendered to Germany, and young Lily, half French and half American, has her life turned upside down. A careless girl, full of dreams, Lily must leave France and go to her father’s homeland, taking her mother with her. Lily’s mother becomes completely dependent upon her teenage daughter, and Lily is forced to grow up quickly. Trying her best to support them both, balancing work and dreams of continuing her studies, Lily meets her first love and discovers passion and betrayal on her way.

Ninon is a survivor. Alone in the world, she works as an exotic dancer in a French cabaret called Le Passioné, where she moves her hips to put food on her plate until a new and dangerous opportunity is presented to her. Although Ninon has lost faith in love and God, life will show her surprises can be found around every corner.

France, the United States, Spain, Austria, and Argentina present the backdrops for an epic tale of people trying to adapt to a world in turmoil—one that’s filled with secrets and surprises…

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Hidden Motives (3 Book Series) Book 1 of 3: Hidden Motives 

From Book 1:
A sudden death, an inexplicable crime, a serial killer on the loose…

When Lara dies at the hands of Manhattan lawyer Mark, during a sex game at her summer house in the Hamptons, Carl, Mark´s defense attorney, hires Simone Bennet, a psychiatrist, professor, and author of books on sexual behavior, to help him buttress his argument that Lara´s death was accidental. To help his defense, Mark has written a detailed account of his steamy, year-long relationship with Lara. Carl gives the text to Simone for analysis.

While evaluating the presumed killer´s writing, Simone continues to receive psychiatric patients with sexual disorders and unusual fantasies and to research strange sexual behavior for her next book. Simone´s clinical partner, friend, and research colleague, Edward, is working with the police to capture a serial killer, who is torturing and killing women around Simone´s world.

From hot and unusual sex to the swing houses of New York and Paris, this fast-paced gripping page-turner is a blend of mystery, suspense, humor, romance, and erotica. With a shocking twist at the end that no one sees coming, the serial killer may not be whom you think…

What readers are saying about Behind the Door a Multi-Award Winning Series

★★★★★ – “The story was fast-paced, intense, and very well written. It was so intense and simply too entertaining to put down!”

★★★★★ – “A psychological suspense thriller that kept me guessing right up until the end. There is twist after twist which kept me hooked.”

★★★★★ – “It grips you, holds you down, and sets your mind on fire. A brilliant first novel. I was so impressed, and I absolutely loved it. Well, Done!”

Her novels in the series “Hidden Motives” is now available in the Portuguese languageHer newest series “Where The Road Goes” will be too on Amazon very soon!

Motivos Ocultos (3 book series Portuguese Edition | Book 2 of 3: Motivos Ocultos 

I hope my readers and visitors have enjoyed learning more about novelist A Gavazzino and all her novels. I heard she just might be writing a new novel, book 4 to her series of “Hidden Motives?”

So we invite you to connect with her on social media and stop and visit her website listed so you will be ready for all the news, updates, and press about her upcoming releases.

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~Cat of Lyon Literary Media Marketing

Readers! Fall Into These Autumn Reads By Our Authors Who Have Garnished 4 & 5-Star Editorial Book Reviews Given By Reader’s Favorite and Are Worth Your Reading Time…

Hello and Welcome, Avid Readers,
Are You Looking for some Fantastic Reads?

You won’t go wrong by purchasing and reading these sweet reading treats written by many of the fine authors we represent at ‘Lyon Literary Services.’ Cat loves sharing books and ‘The Why’ you should read them when they have these exceptional editorial book reviews like the ones below. With the Holiday Season almost here, they would make great gifts too. and all books are available on Amazon, and most are within Kindle Unlimited Membership! …Enjoy!

The Shaman and the Mafia
By Elizabeth Upton

The Shaman and the Mafia is a work of fiction in the mystery subgenre. It is suitable for the general reading audience and was penned by author Elizabeth Upton. 

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite

The Shaman and the Mafia is a work of fiction in the mystery subgenre. It is suitable for the general reading audience and was penned by author Elizabeth Upton. The book follows former nun Marietta Collins as she is dragged into the aftershock of a tragic murder when her friend Joseph is killed in what looks like a mob hit. As Marietta becomes romantically involved with both Joseph’s brother and the FBI agent investigating the death, the past refuses to stay buried for all involved as the FBI hunts the mafia boss believed to have ordered the hit whilst the police search for the killer directly.

While the mystery of Joseph Gleason’s murder lies at the center of this novel and provides the core narrative around which the characters gather, the significant contribution to the story the death makes is to act as a catalyst for an in-depth and intriguing character study of those involved in Joseph’s life.

Author Elizabeth Upton has created a cast of colorful characters, each of whom has had life breathed into them by her stunning prose, and it’s a treat to turn each page and find the direction in which the narrative events will push them next. I particularly enjoyed the development of Detective Riley as she is forced to confront the harsh reality of corruption in an institution she has served for years. Beautifully blending the trappings of a love story and a thriller, The Shaman and the Mafia uses the best of both genres to tell a story unlike any other, which will stay with readers long after the final page is turned.

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This Is Me Trying: Navigating Through A Lifetime of Trauma
By Wilsdaryon Prescher

This Is Me Trying: Navigating Through A Lifetime of Trauma is a work of non-fiction in the memoir subgenre. It is aimed at mature readers and was penned by author Wilsdaryon Prescher. 

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite

The book follows the author’s recovery from the abuse he endured in his youth, a journey made possible by the power of music. Throughout the rocky road of escaping the abuse, developing coping mechanisms that hindered more than they helped, and encountering the biases that people hold against abuse survivors, the power of music provides a tool for the author to rediscover their authentic self and move forward into adulthood.

I’m always in awe of any author penning a memoir, especially one willing to show sincere emotional vulnerability to their readers, but sometimes an author leaves nothing off the table when describing the upsetting and painful parts of their lives. Such an author is Wilsdaryon Prescher, whose willingness to frankly portray some of the most challenging situations a young person can live through is matched deftly by his skillful prose in doing justice to the depiction of those moments.

This book is an emotional journey that readers will be moved by as they experience the hardships of the author’s younger years and the rocky road to happiness that came with adulthood. Overall, This Is Me Trying is an honest depiction of the never-ending struggle toward recovery and a book that frankly depicts mental health issues and the journey to better mental and emotional well-being, wherever your starting point in life may be. Highly suggest reading!

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Lovers’ Secrets and Revenge

(Book Three – John Callahan Series) By Elizabeth Upton
Lovers’ Secrets and Revenge is a crime mystery romance novel by Elizabeth Upton.

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite

Lovers’ Secrets and Revenge is a crime mystery romance novel by Elizabeth Upton. It’s been ten years since John Callahan had last seen his grandmother, Annabella O’Sullivan. Upon a visit to her sprawling estate in Dublin, Ireland, John is delivered a striking blow when his grandmother dies, and he is her sole heir.

His grandmother’s death and the unexpected murder of an employee force him to hire private security guards for himself and Morgan Gallagher, Annabella’s lover. Additionally, his recently inherited estate has a break-in by an armed man. Meanwhile, John starts falling for an Irish woman named Sara O’Boyle. But when one of his own employees becomes his stalker, John must find a way to protect himself and his loved ones. Who is the killer? Is John’s life in danger?

An absorbing murder mystery filled with romance, suspense, and intrigue, Lovers’ Secrets and Revenge is a cozy book to spend your evening with. Author Elizabeth Upton spins an intricate yarn full of dramatic moments that have you eagerly turning the pages in anticipation of what will happen next. The narrative will especially appeal to fans of telenovelas or soap operas, with the constant twists and turns of the plot leaving you asking for more. The characters have defining traits that pop out of the pages. John is one of the more fleshed-out characters, and his romance with Sara is one of my favorite aspects of the book.
If you enjoy romance and crime stories, this is what you’re looking for.

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A Crime Story
A Mother-Daughter Cozy Mystery ~ By Richard E. LaMotte

A Crime Story: A Mother-Daughter Cozy Mystery by Richard E. LaMotte is a light-hearted thriller about a mother and daughter...

Reviewed by Antoinette Wessels for Readers’ Favorite

A Crime Story: A Mother-Daughter Cozy Mystery by Richard E. LaMotte is a light-hearted thriller about a mother and daughter who get stuck in a small town with a murder mystery on their way to Hollywood. Clair and Mindy decide to start investigating the unsolved murder of Samantha and write a crime story to pass the time.

They soon realize that everyone in town has their theory about what happened, but Mindy is set on uncovering the truth in memory of Samantha. It doesn’t take long for their snooping to start annoying the wrong people, and accidents start to happen. Will they be able to answer the unanswered questions, or will Samantha’s murder always stay a small-town mystery?

Richard E. LaMotte wrote A Crime Story in a way that will have anyone, even readers who don’t enjoy thrillers or mysteries, loving this light-hearted mystery immensely. It is not overly elaborate, is easy to read, and even easier to enjoy. The theme which stuck with me as a reader was the relationship between a mother and a daughter who needed to find each other again.

They grew as characters while they were investigating the murder, and through this, they could also reconnect. The pace of the story is gentle. I enjoyed the fact that the book wasn’t more than two hundred pages, but it never felt rushed.

I would recommend this book to any reader who wants a quick, enjoyable fall read with adventure and a little suspense.

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Dark Secrets of the Bayou
By Multi award-winning writer Kim Carter

Dark Secrets of the Bayou is a work of fiction in the murder mystery genre. It is aimed at all ages and was penned by author Kim Carter

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite

Dark Secrets of the Bayou is a work of fiction in the murder mystery genre. It is aimed at all ages and was penned by author Kim Carter. The novel follows the homecoming of attorney Tink Mabry as she visits Kane, Louisiana, with a co-worker to deal with the dilapidated homestead she’s just inherited from a family she barely knows. No sooner has she arrived than she ends up as the prime suspect in multiple murder investigations. As Tink explores her new surroundings, she realizes that the family secrets that plague her inheritance may hold the key to exonerating her, though some things are best left in the past.

Author Kim Carter has crafted a sinister and spine-tingling work of dark mystery fiction, an ideal read for a cold winter’s night. This story combined many elements and genres that I adore, from the historical references to the 19th century and the creepy, dark expanses of the Louisiana bayous, to chilling, horror, and family drama elements. The complex plot interweaves all of these factors seamlessly, delivering a smoothly-told narrative with sharp, exciting deviations in the mystery plot.

It certainly kept me guessing until the end, and the close narration of Tink and her emotional journey really got me rooting for her (and fearing for her) as the story developed. Overall, I would highly recommend Dark Secrets of the Bayou for those who enjoy a dark mystery with lots of horror elements and a spellbinding atmosphere. This was a worthy introduction to an author worth reading again and again.

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Daily Gratitude Reflections Volume 2

365 Inspirational Guides to Grateful Living
By Deborah L. Perdue

Daily Gratitude Reflections Volume 2: 365 Inspirational Guides to Grateful Living is a work of non-fiction in the new age, spiritual, and self-help subgenres.

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite

Daily Gratitude Reflections Volume 2: 365 Inspirational Guides to Grateful Living is a work of non-fiction in the new age, spiritual, and self-help subgenres. It is suitable for the general reading audience and was penned by author Deborah L. Perdue. The book lays out a year-long series of prompts to allow readers to reflect on their lives and feel gratitude for their positive things. This shift in focus away from negativity is shown to have a transformative effect on how a person perceives their life and leads to a more positive outlook and acceptance of happiness.

It often feels that cynicism is the dominating force in this world, and it is a negative mindset that seeps its way into every aspect of our lives if we give it the opportunity. Leading the charge against this force are writers like author Deborah L. Perdue who recognize that the daily practice of gratitude can push back against negativity and the adverse effect that it has on our lives. Perdue, in particular, is an outstanding practitioner in this field, demonstrated by this essential book which helps readers to take daily, manageable steps toward a lifelong change for the better.

The daily exercises on reflection and positivity are easy to pick up but provoke deep thought and contemplation about our lives, the perfect exercise for encouraging gratitude in our lives. Overall, Daily Gratitude Reflections Volume 2 follows its predecessor in giving readers an invaluable toolset for pushing their mindset in the right direction and making long-lasting changes for the better in their lives.
I highly recommend it!

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The Song of Ramon and Maria

An Epic Historical Novel of Love and Revenge
By Richard E. LaMotte

The Song of Ramon and Maria by Richard E. LaMotte is an epic romance novel set against the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution at the dawn of the 20th century.

Another New Release and 5-Stars for Richard!

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite

The Song of Ramon and Maria by Richard E. LaMotte is an epic romance novel set against the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution at the dawn of the 20th century. Despite misgivings from her family, Maria Duranthon marries the love of her life, Ramon, an Indian cowboy, in the small Mexican town of Rosario. But when Ramon is drafted into the Mexican army, and Maria’s father is unexpectedly murdered, the two lovers will diverge toward very different paths in life.

After suffering a harrowing assault by a despicable captain, Maria leaves for Mexico City, realizing, to her horror, that she is pregnant. She is forced to beg on the streets until she finds refuge in the bordello of a European madame. Meanwhile, Ramon joins the revolutionaries while being hunted by the federal forces. Can Ramon and Maria find their way back to each other?

A sprawling tale of love, loss, and betrayal, The Song of Ramon and Maria never lets you take your eyes off the pages. Author Richard E. LaMotte weaves an epic yarn filled with romance, tragedy, and political intrigue that keeps you on your toes with a string of twists and turns you never see coming. This story is full of heartbreak, where our heroes sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Ramon and Maria are two star-crossed lovers who find themselves separated from each other due to extraordinary circumstances they have no control over. If you love to read epic romance sagas or historical fiction, I can’t recommend The Song of Ramon and Maria enough.

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More Books To Check Out on Amazon!

Sister Mysteries
by Claudia Ricci 

Seeing Red
by Claudia Ricci 

Cat Welcomes New Author Patricia Mortlock. She Is An Animal Empath Who Offers Pet Readings & Shares Her Work Communicating With Animals In Her New Book, “Animals Speak”. . .

Cat is excited and happy to introduce and share to all my friends of the reading den a new emerging author Ms. Patricia Mortlock and her new book release that has just been awarded a 5-Star Editorial Book Review given by book influencers, Reader’s Favorite. Pat is an exceptional woman with all that she does with animals, pets, and their owners around the country.

Patricia has learned, studied, and honed her skills in animal communication. She offers pet readings for owners of many types of pets and animals. Much of her life’s work as a Reikie Master and animal communication is now shared within her new book release titled, Animals Speak: Communication with Animals – Both Living and in Spirit . . . So, let’s learn more about Pat and more about her new book!

Genre: Animal Care & Pets

Animals Speak: Communication with Animals – Both Living and in Spirit

by Patricia Mortlock Author (Author)

We only underestimate animals because of the language barrier.

Intuition is a gift. We all have it. Patricia Mortlock’s has been refined to such an extent that communicating and understanding messages from animals is a trait that comes naturally to her. I was amazed at her ability as I read the many stories in which she helped both grieving pet owners and the pets as well in passing important messages to one another. If a reader is a skeptic of the intuitive world, this book might help educate that person.

— Zoe J, Reader/Reviewer

Book Description:

What if I told you, “I just heard of a book that talks about animals that are able to communicate.

In fact, believe it or not, one offers marriage advice hoping to save a marriage in trouble. Another pet dies of a sudden heart attack, and takes his owner’s heart problems with him.” You might say “I love reading fiction; it’s so entertaining.” I would have to tell you, “It’s not fiction!” I have met with these pets and others with equally compelling stories.

We only underestimate animals because of the language barrier. When that is gone, the gap closes between us, and we realize they are capable of intelligent thinking and a very deep emotional range.

Come along and be amazed as you read about so-called ordinary pets who break all the rules and break out of the boxes we have put them in! NOW Available on Amazon

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ~ Patricia Mortlock

Patricia Mortlock is the author of her new book titled Animals Speak: Communication with Animals – Both Living and in Spirit, a beautifully written book of her shared life experiences and work as an animal communicator. Her book is available in paperback and e-book versions and is now available on Amazon online, Kindle Unlimited, and many fine book sites.

Patricia has been speaking and communicating with animals since she was a child. Born and raised in Southern California, Patricia attended college and majored in business then began working in the field of interior design. She was intuitively sent to San Diego, where she met and married her soul mate of 25-years and counting. Settling in Ventura county, Patricia is naturally gifted in the area of intuition. Her earliest recollection of her intuition was at the age of five as she communicated with her pet Ginger who was transitioning into spirit.

Patricia is a Reiki Master and uses her skills with animals and people to help heal physical and mental pain. She has studied with Carolyn Myss and many others in the field of intuitive development. She enjoys teaching classes on Animal Communication and the principles involved in being an empath, teaching meditation techniques, and helping students identify how they uniquely receive intuitive information.

The author enjoys being involved in women’s groups that believe in a strong-ethical bond to the planet, its animals, and all people. Patricia wants readers to know the importance and the depth of what the animals have to say. Whether they are living or within the spirit, they will often give us insight into why they have come into our lives. The information is often a source of “heart-opening” between the pet and its family while supplying insight into their owners’ lives.

When she is not working or teaching, Patricia loves tending to her little Bonsai garden and spending time at the ocean, and time with family, friends, her husband Jeff, along with their fur baby Billy the CAT.
They continue to reside in Southern California in Ventura County.

Patricia’s New E-book is Available for Kindle Unlimited Members Too!

Patricia has just been awarded a 5-Star Editorial Book Review given by literary book influencers, Reader’s Favorite! The CAT can not be more proud and happy for Patricia! We are having a blast working together. Here is the beautiful Book Review and Press Release provided by Reader’s Favorite for “Animals Speak.”

For immediate release:

The author’s new book receives a warm literary welcome.

Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Non-Fiction – Animals book “Animals Speak” by Patricia Mortlock, currently available at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WW6T538.

Readers’ Favorite is one of the most extensive book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the “Best Websites for Authors” and “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.

“Reviewed By Lois J Wickstrom for Readers’ Favorite

Patricia Mortlock loves animals. She tells about their lives in much the same way as the Chicken Soup animal-lover stories. Animals Speak: Communication with Animals – Both Living and in Spirit is different from Chicken Soup in one important aspect: Mortlock is an ‘intuitive.’ You don’t have to believe that she is an ‘intuitive’ to enjoy and have a good cry over these tales. But you do have to understand that she believes it.

This collection of tales about elephants, cats, dogs, horses, and even a lizard features communication not only in words but also in pictures and emotions. Her stories are about animals who have come into our lives not only to love us, but to teach us and care for us, and in several instances heal their humans or save their marriages. Some of these animals speak to Mortlock when she focuses on their pictures. Some are alive and some are “in spirit.”

People sometimes think they don’t understand their pets. They don’t know why their animals do certain things. Sometimes they just want to know what their animals are thinking. Patricia Mortlock has developed her intuition in such a way that she can help people get to know their animals better. Animals Speak: Communication with Animals – Both Living and in Spirit answers some of those questions, and offers guidance for readers who want to develop their own intuition. Mortlock’s stories inspire the reader to deepen his or her relationship with the animals in their lives.

I was particularly impressed with her story about hearing a horse explain what he needed to recover from a disease. If you love animals, this book will increase your appreciation for their presence in our lives and the friendships that they offer. This is the story of a heartfelt connection between a human and the animals she meets.”

You can learn more about Patricia Mortlock and “Animals Speak” at https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/animals-speak where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages.

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Louisville, KY 40202


***** ***** ***** ****** ****** ******

I truly hope you have enjoyed learning about our newest author to our reading den family of authors that CAT is honored to work with. Patricia has such a beautiful soul and a big heart when it comes to pets and animal care. The stories she has chosen to share with readers will not only inspire you, or even tug at your heart, but you will actually FEEL the positive energy and kindness she puts out in the world through this amazing new book of hers! Grab your copy today on Amazon.

Visit author: WebsiteFacebookTwitterGoodreadsAmazon,

You may connect with Patricia on her Social Media and I highly suggest giving her website a visit too! Pat does offer pet and animal readings. You may email her for a reading of your fur babies!
EMAIL: pat.mortlock@yahoo.com

Cat Welcomes Our Award-Winning Author Diane Olsen Sharing News, Her New Award, a New Release Coming & a Sneak Peek Cover Reveal of Her Book Four…And Why You Need To Read the “Rising Wind” Book Series.

Welcome Readers and Friends to a Special Guest Spotlight, Cover Reveal, and News for Award-winning author Diane Olsen.

CAT is very excited to announce and share some literary award news for my friend and fellow author Diane Olsen! Diane has just been awarded her second Bronze Medal, given by the Illumination Book Awards by Jenkins Group, Inc.

This is her second win but her first win for her ‘Rising Wind book series‘ with book three titled “The Weeping God and The Book of Hope.” I am just thrilled for Diane. So we are celebrating with a Sneak Peek Cover Reveal for Book Four of the Rising Wind series! But before I do? Here is more about Diane’s award-win in the category of Mystery/Thriller…

By Jenkins Group

Book Three – Rising Wind Series

BRONZE ~ Mystery/Thriller ~ https://illuminationawards.com/19/2022-medalists

Rising Wind: The Weeping God and The Book of Hope

by Diane Olsen

*(Lyon Literary Services) ~ Publicist*

Illumination Bronze Seal - 250 Roll
Diane’s Bronze Win!

Illumination Bronze Seal



*** *** *** *** *** *** ****

Now, before Cat gets to the Cover Reveal, I want to share the amazing Reader’s Favorite 5-Star Awarded Book Review Diane received from them. The reviewer did a fantastic review that actually sums up the Rising Wind Book Series from reading book one, The Thunder Beings, then book two, Ice and Bone, and book three that she has just won the Bronze Medal titled The Weeping God and The Book of Hope.

Diane’s books to this series can be read as stand-alone’s, or for a richer reading experience, you can read them in consecutive order. Either way, readers are going to love reading this series. Even though the series is fictional, Diane adds so many real facts and real information from her research to each book. And many different topics and elements like comparisons of world religions, how all humanity is connected, the hope of mankind, elements of archeology and paleontology, extinct beings and animals, and so much more! Here is how the Reviewer Summed up Rising Wind…

Books two and three of Rising Wind

Book Review By Reader’s Favorite of Rising Wind and Book Three:

The Weeping God and the Book of Hope, part three in the Rising Wind series, is actually a prequel to the first two books, so it’s not necessary to have read those first.

The lead characters, Sage Dalton and L.W. are the main character’s parents in the other Rising Wind books. Although the characters are different and it is set in an earlier time period, the tone of the book is very similar. This time they discover an ancient text in a Mexican desert tomb that leads Sage, L.W., and a group of fellow explorers to Tibet, where they find themselves in the middle of a war. Even with danger at every turn, they still manage to discover secret caves that lead them toward an elusive yet powerful Book of Hope.

First and foremost, her books have a superb cast of characters that readers can easily relate to. They care about each other, work together to achieve a common goal, laugh together, and cry together. Second, her stories revolve around rare ancient discoveries found all around the world. Much like the great Indiana Jones films, each new discovery comes with an element of danger.

The third common theme is an embracing of all world religions. Religion is somehow intertwined with each rare find that the characters make. I appreciate the way Ms. Olsen always characterizes the religious elements in her stories in a positive light, as the hope of mankind rather than the way most works of fiction portray religion in a negative sense as mankind’s biggest problem. This is a fun read filled with colorful characters and lots of action. I recommend it for fans of character-driven adventure who like to learn about science, ancient civilizations, and world religions along the way.
~Scott Cahan for Readers’ Favorite

Award-Winning Author
Ms. Diane Olsen

Diane Olsen’s New Cover Reveal For Book Four Coming Very Soon For Release and will be titled Rising Wind: Book 4, Like Feathers Of A Wing”Book Description (may change a little before release).

About This Soon To Release Book Four:

Experience the spiritual, social, and cultural evolution of humanity in the fourth book in the Rising Wind series by Diane Olsen. She demonstrates through extensive research that humanity is interconnected. A treasure to celebrate, no matter what culture or faith we represent. We are as one… ‘Like Feathers of a Wing.’

Embarking on what appears to be an impossible project, the couple endeavors to struggle forward on their mission to help build shelters for the homeless and capture sustainable water in the desert. Be mesmerized by the wide array of strange and dangerous creatures that cross Gideon and Secora’s path. 
Will death take one or all their treasured friends? Will anyone travel this journey unscathed? 

Are you ready for another amazing mystery thrill ride through fiction and history, READERS?

Stop by often, as Cat will announce soon when this one is released!

Connect With Diane on Social Media Today and All Her Books Are Available on Amazon in E-book and Paperback versions here>>> https://www.amazon.com/Diane-Olsen/e/B01LWDB4K7/

Releasing Soon on Amazon and Kindle!

Author Spotlight & Sneak Preview Courtesy of Dawn Hill Publications For Ravina Hilliard’s Soon to Release Book. . .


Written By Award-winning Author Ravina Hilliard
A Dawn Hill Publication Author

This CAT always enjoy sharing new books when they are ready to release soon and when readers to get a ‘Sneak Peek’ before it drops! Dawn Hill has done it again with their amazing award-winning author, Ms. Ravina Hilliard and her book titled “The Billionaire Athlete”…

~The Avid Reading Cat

It’s been my endeavor to ensure variety in my protagonists, not that the task is easy. Billionaires tend to come in very few shapes and sizes, not literally of course. Most of them are scions of industry. Then again, we have actors from my soon to be published books – like Patrick Townsend from ‘Looking for Like’ and a race car driver Dean Winters from ‘All You Have To Do Is Call’.

The publishers have asked me to write one with a sports star. The choices are aplenty. Aforementioned Dean Winters is one candidate, but the truth is that he isn’t an F1 driver in the story, rather it is his back story. He is actually a manufacturer of e-vehicles. I know some of you are going … yawn.

“They tend to be hot-headed. Drama queens – and very good actors, not to mention artful manipulators.”

If I were to invest in a sporty character, what sport would I choose? And what got me thinking about it?

Let’s answer the second question first. Summer in the Europe provides fodder in abundance from Wimbledon, French Open in Tennis, Tour de France, the Euro cup which England sadly lost despite a stellar performance and ICC World Cricket championship which New Zealand won. Watching Tom Cruise hob-nob with David Beckham on Centre Court got me started. The same day, watching the Euro Cup finals not too far away in Wembley nailed it for me.

Tom Cruise spotted at Wimbledon this year.

If I were to choose, I’d probably choose football or as the Americans like to call it, soccer. Why? First, it gives me an opportunity to write about another Italian billionaire, with Italy winning the Euro Cup. The female leading lady could be a British WAG wannabe who is seeking payback for England’s loss.

We all know footballers have their own currency printing press, not literally, but each of their contracts run into tens of millions of pounds. Add to that sponsorship and ad revenue and bingo – you have yourself a billionaire. There aren’t too many of them around – Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo being two of them. Technically, net worth’s are shy of a billion but who’s counting?

Giroud is a prime example of an incredibly attractive athlete. Loaded, and wears the hell out of that suit!

There are plenty of other reasons. Athletes, footballers in particular are fit. Not going to the gym three times a week fit. I can run around chasing a ball for 90 odd minutes fit. Most of the players in the latest Euro cup were still strutting around after two hours. They tend to be hot-headed. Drama queens – and very good actors, not to mention artful manipulators.

Have you seen them fake injuries on the field in order to earn a free kick? There are a few Oscar-worthy performances in all the big matches. They’re large-hearted, passionate (at least about football) and players for the most part – in a decidedly sexual way.

My hero would be a nasty piece of work on the outside – hard-headed Alpha Male who is as rich as God, arrogant, overbearing, physically rough-edged but later will reveal a gooey and tender heart. His language would be foul. At first, he’d treat the female lead like a bit of shit – remember The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard? 

Then, our hero would fall in love after some TLC from the vengeful WAG who maybe, just maybe is into some light S&M. Our Bitch would spring the trap, leaving our footie hero devastated when he realizes that she’s been gaming him.

The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard Kindle Edition

How do I get them back together? Hmm. Let me think about that. Most certainly, there’d be a match or two in the play. Where do the thrills come from? Oh, just wait and see. I’m not going to give the whole plot away, but I will leave you with a hint. Think corruption scandal, match-fixing (oh yeah, it does happen, even in football), and football hooligans – remember Green Street? Our WAG is going to get beaten up. Badly.

And here’s the icing on the cake. I’ve yet to see an ugly footballer. They’re all handsome, sexy, tidy, gorgeous hunks of masculinity with my fingers now itching to create a thriller romance with one of them. I can imagine in my mind’s eye the cold-hearted calculating British bitch of a ex-WAG targeting an Italian footballer and falling into his love-cum-lust trap, inconceivably finding a Happily-Ever-After. My mouth is already drooling. And ladies, there are other parts that are also … okay, let’s keep it U-Rated for now.

And let me get to work.

Sigh. With a saddened heart I bid you goodbye, but only for the moment.

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.



Check out all all her newer releases now on Amazon!
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