I am Honored to Announce My New Author Interview With NF Reads. I Enjoy Writing.

NF READS ~ NFReads.com | Interesting Articles. Inspiring Stories.

I was honored and had the pleasure of being invited for an in-depth author interview by NFReads.com about my craft of writing, about why I wrote my book, about recovery life, and some other intriguing questions. I included and shared some book marketing tips for authors in the interview and shared about my long-term recovery as well.

I hope you will take some time to visit and read the Full Interview!

Interview with Author/Advocate, Catherine Townsend-Lyon

Addicted to Dimes (Confessions of a Liar and a Cheat)

“Books can come by imagination with vibrant storylines and characters. Come in many genres and about real life, or sometimes they come by way of a little “Divine Intervention” like my book.”   ~Author, Catherine Townsend-Lyon 


AND The Last Question Was?

Tell us some quirky facts about yourself?

Oh my. OK. I love dill pickle slices and mayo sandwiches. I am a cat lover with three therapy cats named, Mr. Boots, Miss Prissy Princess, and Simon-Peter. I love writing when it rains and will keep my door cracked and window open to hear it while writing even if it is 20 degrees outside!


Well, after everything I’ve been through in my life up to now? GOD let me keep my sense of humor!


56848129_657000964754004_2110962222527152128_n(A little fun and $$$$ Raised For Big Jim’s Ride 4 Addiction at The Arizona State Capitol Event as One of The Guest Speakers – April 10th, 2019) LOL!!

About My Book, My Writing, and My Book Blogging Ramblin’s. . .

Hello and Welcome All,

Now it is no secret that many of my blog friends,  my followers, and readers who come for a visit know that a live life in recovery. I share this a LOT. But I also need to keep in mind those of my visitors that are new to my book promoting blog may not know this about me. They may not know that my current book titled; Addicted To Dimes, Confessions of a Liar and a Cheat, is some what my Memoir of my life, starting as a wee little girl to about 2012.


Product Details
Addicted to Dimes (Confessions of a Liar and a Cheat) Nov 2012


Featured Image
And I can honestly say that my life has changed in SO many ways since my book was released on my 50th birthday! Yes, I’m 50 something, but age is just a number people! That was in November 2012. My book was written & shared with the intent to make readers who also live in recovery from any addiction know they are not alone.
That they can recover and overcome!

I can also honestly say, that my writing has become so much better as well! LOL. We all know great editors can help make our words come to life, and they can make our words within the pages of our books look and sound good. But as a writer, the rest is up to me.
Is my storyline strong enough? Or did I grab the reader, did I hold their attention with my craft and prose till the end of my book?

These are many questions all of us as writers ask. One of the ways we learn what readers think about our books is through the power of book reviews. I take all my book reviews from 100% organic readers very seriously. Now, not to brag or toot my author horn, but I have been blessed with most all 5 star Amazon Reviews, and one 4.8 review. Not bad for a first time writer/author. But I did work very hard for those reviews. I do believe all writers and authors do. And we take our craft as writers seriously. Not to say you can’t have some fun along the way right?

I always tell many in recovery, “we all have a story within us to tell.”
And I do believe that. Look, over 8 years ago, if some psychic lady told me I’d be a writer and published author in my lifetime? Man I would have laughed in her face. Really! I would have, as it was never on my life radar.

Now, am I a good writer? Well, I hope so. My readers seemed to think so as far as their book reviews of my current book. Writing for me is a release. Yes, my book maybe hard subject matter, but many who have never experienced addiction, or the joy of triumph in recovery, or even may not know anyone with addiction problems, but many readers say they learned much from story.

In recovery, we all know that our words and stories of recovery can be a powerful tool to help those who do live life in recovery. But through my book, and my other blog, my recovery blog: https://catherinelyonaddictedtodimes.wordpress.com/
they are meant to not only help those in recovery, those reaching out for help, but also they are about creativity. Many people journal in recovery. I do, and I have for years because it was the only way to see my positive progress in recovery, and also my weakness’ where I needed to work harder in those area’s.

Well I look at writing the same way. We as writers are always learning and evolving. We grow in our craft as writers the more we write. Wring came natural to me because I was already journaling a long time. Now, that is not to say because one writes in a journal or diary, that now you’re a professional writer. Oh no, but many of us who do write enjoy it as it puts our mind, heart, and our imaginations to work. Of course, these are just my own experiences.

Since my current book is non-fiction, about addiction, my life, and recovery, this topic is much harder to write. There is a very fine line for sharing a story of addiction without readers feeling you are using excuses, rationalizing, or blaming things on someone or something other than my poor choices when I was deep in my addictions.

I feel the same when writers write fiction. The characters and storyline needs to come alive. And that can be a tough job. My own struggle is the darn endings, or close out of my books, that is my weakest area as a writer. When this is accomplished with your books, and readers tell you through their reviews or maybe comments on your blog or website, there just is no other fantastic feeling ever as writer. It is also why I book promote as my business. I enjoy helping other authors find their readership, and have the honor of reading many fabulous books they have written. If you’re an author and need some advice or tips on how to promote your books? Then check out my new Feature Page of Book Promoting tips here on this blog.

Many authors hire me to just pure book promote for them, so they can continue to write more books, and have the peace of mind knowing I’m getting out there for them promoting their work through all forms of social media, book promoting sites, with a dash of sending out Press Releases announcing their books to many media outlets, book bloggers, and internet media. I enjoy doing this for all authors at very affordable prices. I want all of us to be successful, and make sure readers find all our amazing reads.
My clients are authors helping authors.

I hope you enjoy my Book Promoting Blog while your here. If you’re a reader, check out my Monthly Hot Book Picks page, and if you’re a writer? Keep Writing!!

Until next time everyone!

Much Happiness & Success All,
Author, Catherine Townsend-Lyon

“Holy Great Expectations”! ~ A Daily Prompt Post

Hello Writer Friends, And Welcome New Readers,


Great Expectations

Tell us about one thing (or more) that you promised yourself you’d accomplish by the end of the year. How would you feel once you do? What if you don’t?


Has there ever been a time in your life that you had big plans, or maybe some Great Expectations  of goals to accomplish today, tomorrow, or even this year? Well when you live with Bipolar Depression, PTSD, and Agoraphobia with Panic disorder, it’s even harder to accomplish those life goals,….BUT ONLY IF YOU LET!
I refuse to be a victim, nor do I let my mental disabilities hamper me from reaching for the stars! And accomplish my “Dreams & Goals.”

I remember how I felt when my current book got picked up by a publisher, and my expectations for the book being put out into the world as the next NY Times best seller! Man did that expectation pop in an instant. LOL. But, it did get published So I was excited when I got the first copy of my paperback book in my grubby little hands, that I did a Happy Dance of a bunny hopping around after drinking a Red Bull!! There are no words to describe the feelings of accomplishment. So one bucket list goal off my life list, and now two more to go! But this time around, writing seems to be taken me a wee bit longer to get these two books written and finished. The honeymoon period of my first book is over, and now the hard work has been almost done with the next two, but I’m having a hard time getting my endings down and done so to hopefully get them out by this late fall. Another Great Expectation.

Many know I also live life in recovery from addicted gambling & alcohol consumption for over 7 years now, and you have no idea how many great expectations we have in recovery, especially in early recovery when we get some clean time and then have a lapse, or relapse.
It’s like disappointment after disappointment. Expectations take on a whole new meaning. Not until we do the work on the inside of ourselves can we begin to recover. Our loved ones also seem to put many expectations on us when we are in recovery. That can be hard on us who are trying to stay recovered. But my point in this is that when we live “In The Moment,” and “One Day At A Time,” in recovery and in life, not only can we meet all our expectations, but we are actually LIVING OUR LIFE! Stress, worries, thinking about yesterday or tomorrow will not let our expectations happen, as we are not focused on today, in this very moment in time, to be in the now!

Learning this in recovery and in treatment & therapy has enabled me to accomplish most all of my great expectations so far. Again, when my first book came out, it truly was a work of a power greater than myself. All I did was let the powers at be guide me when the words of my book came pouring out of my heart and soul into white paper with lines. Yes, I wrote all my words to my book by hand in 5 notebooks of paper, and 2 pencils. Once I started writing I could not stop until all the terrible, ugly, darkness I went through with my addiction was all out of my soul. Until I felt I could actually see on paper with my own two eyes. Then?…..That was that.|

That part of my life was over. Made my amends to myself. That was Jan. 2011, and on Nov 26, 2012 on my 50th birthday I had my very first published book in my hands. I felt like one blessed girl. I can’t tell you how many blessings given, and how many doors have opened since then.

One of the biggest, hugest, greatest expectations of my life had just transpired. What’s the moral of my story? Never give up on those Great Expectations of life. Always shoot for the stars! No matter how long it may take you to achieve what you want in life, always know we all have it inside us to do what ever we want. May God Bless You with all your Great Expectations in Life!
Author, Catherine Townsend-Lyon